"Ella, Ella!"
I was surprised to see Dulcy running towards me, and she earned a few glances from the older women at her shouting. She didn't seem to notice, or to mind.
"Dulcy, I was looking for you too! What is it, why are you so excited?"
"Ella, I think I saw the Prince!"
I giggled at her excitement and felt happy for her.
"You went back to the Palace?" I asked in surprise. I hadn't thought she would be allowed to go back so often.
"No, I think I saw him here, just a few moments ago. Nobody was with him though, which seems odd don't you think?"
"Yes, very much so. How do you know it was him?" We began walking together through the marketplace, weaving in and out of people and shops, talking over the loud voices of vendors.

"I don't exactly know for sure that it was him, but he looked like him."
I laughed again and looked at my excited friend. "You have seen the Prince before?" I asked in confusion. Dulcy nodded.
"Yes, once a few years ago. And the Lady I work for has also told me what the Prince looks like. If she wasn't married I think she would also be competing for his hand in a few days."
At this I laughed, and Dulcy smiled at me. She didn't overlook the fact that I was so happy and she inquired about it once she was findings telling me her story about seeing the Prince.

"What's got you so happy, Ella? Whatever it is, it should happen more often. You're practically glowing."
I smiled and looked at my friend shyly.
"I saw Kit today, we met in the woods again."
Dulcy seemed to remember me telling her a few days ago about our planned meeting today. She gasped and reached out to touch my arm.
"Oh Ella, that's lovely! How was it?"
"Wonderful." I gushed. "I wish my stepmother would keep my stepsisters at the Palace all the time so I could see him everyday."
Dulcy voiced a small 'aww' and seemed almost as happy for me as I was for myself.
"You will see him at the ball, don't forget."
"Yes I will. And I will find a way to go, no matter what my stepmother says."
"How very true, Ella."

The two of us strolled leisurely through the marketplace, laughing and talking about each other's fine day we had today. Dulcy was still very excited about seeing the Prince that I couldn't help but be happy for her as well.
When the sun began to touch the horizon, I told Dulcy that I needed to return home.
"Ella, must you?" She seemed disappointed and I hated to see the smile fall from her face. I nodded sadly.
"Yes, I do. If my stepmother gets back and sees me gone with all the chores undone, it will certainly get her angry. And after the day they had at the Palace, I don't want to be the reason she becomes upset."
Dulcy nodded understandingly and pulled me into a tight hug.
"Take care of yourself, and keep working on that dress." She whispered.
I smiled and promised her that I would do both.

As I walked back to Elspeth, I thought about the upcoming ball held at the Palace. It would arrive soon, in only four days to be exact. As the days grew closer my stepsisters grew more excited, and I did as well if I were to be completely honest with myself.
Like Kit had said, my stepmother had no reason to not let me go if I did not even wish to see the Prince. I would gladly let my stepsisters take up all of his attention, but my stepmother obviously did not want anything to go wrong or anyone to possibly stand in her daughters' way.

I mounted Elspeth and slowly rode back to the house and hoped that my stepsisters would be away for at least a few more hours.
When I returned, I started immediately on the chores I still had yet to do. As I worked I thought about the wonderful pair of shoes that Dulcy had bought for me at the Palace marketplace a day ago. What would become of them if I was unable to attend the ball?
Would my stepmother take them, along with the dress?

Sadly, I could imagine her doing so.
I sighed and carefully picked up a bronze figurine from the mantle, dusting underneath it.
Or perhaps my stepmother didn't want me to attend the ball because she was afraid that the Prince would notice me, was that it?
Perhaps that was the reason she refused to have four gowns made?
Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.
My father, before he died, always said that I thought about things too much. I smiled as I finished dusting the mantle and started on the picture frames. Part of the reason I wanted to attend this ball was for my mother and father. If they were alive they would be just overjoyed with the thought of me actually going to the Palace and dancing with the Lords and Ladies

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