Author's Note

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Well, my wonderful readers, you have made it to the end of my second published book!
I am sorry to finish this story, I had loads of fun writing it!

But I will be starting another book very soon! It's actually a sequel to a series that already has it's first book up. It is my series taking place in the MARVEL Universe, titled Dancing with Embers.
My character, Kindle Jay, has quite the story of her own already, and then she joins the Avengers and creates even more of a wild ride for herself.
She also meets a special someone who helps her through her tough times, and she is able to return the favor quite often.
Yes, there is a bit of romance and not a short supply of fighting and violence. 

Please go check out the first book, it's up on my home page!
A comment or a vote would be hugely appreciated, but do not feel like you have to, I will still love you all!

And remember to have courage and always, always be kind! ;)


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