Grayson comes to visit

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My first week with Ana was not as hard as i imagine it would be. I cut back my hours at the nurse Corps to spend more time with Ana. I grown attach to her, when i announced to my friends at the corps that i have taken in Ana they just looked at me wide eyed. They couldn't believe that i would take in a child and keep her as my own.Tiana my friend whom i grown close with whie being here just asked me was i sure that i wanted to do this and being a mother is hard work. I trust her because even though she is 22 she has a husband and 3 children back home. while her children is with her parents while she and her husband came here to Pahiatua Poland they came from Elk Poland. She told me how hard it was for her to leave her children. Everyday after my shift I would take Ana and myself to Tiana for tea. last night after i came back from tea me and Ana walked back to our room, when we got there we were greeted by a man sitting at our door post. I stopped not knowing who the man was at first, then the man looked up at me and ran to me with flowers in one hand and kissed me i pulled myself away from him not knowing who he was til i looked up at his face and saw it was GRAYSON. Tears began to fall from my eyes as i took hold of him again and kissed him til I had stop myself and catch my breath. I looked down at Ana who was calling me asking who who this man was.  I had forgot for a second that Ana was still there. I could tell grayson did not notice she was there because he still grabbed me and held me tight in his arms while he kissed me reavlishly . I looked at him and asked him can he stop for me a moment he looked at me with crazed passion in his eyes and replied "what?" I said pointing down to Ana and he looked down to see little Ana attach to my legs, he pulled himself off of me and said on my im sorry i didn't see this child. He bent down on one knee and held out his hand to say hey to little Ana. she looked at me for a moment seeing if it was ok for her to shake her hand to the man I smiled a reassured her that it was ok for her to do so. Grayson shook her hands and came back up to me and said who dose ths little sweet heart belong to.I looked up at him for a moment debating if I should tell him, but before I could say anything little Ana said " I belong to her she is my new mama"  Grayson back away from the both of us running his hands in his hair and said "are you serious?" I looked at him on the verge of tears he looked up at  me sensing that i was hurt by his action and so he came up to me and held me between his arms and whispered in my ears if this is what you want then i will support you 100%. i looked up at him saying to him this is what i want and thankyou "  I didn't care that Ana was there i culd't hold back any longer and l pressed my body up against his and began to kiss him intensely.He gaped my waist and pressed his body against mines. We both stop knowing that this was not something little Ana should be seeing.Grayson reach down and picked Ana up and whispered something to her i couldn't hear what he told her. I grap his things and brought them inside and sat them beside the door. I saw him walk Ana to her bed and laid her there while I began to cook something to eat for us all. After I was finish doing the last bits of cooking I walk into the room and saw Ana fast asleep in her bed. I frown knowing that I had to wake her to eat. I told Grayson to come and eat and wake Ana up. He said  o let the little Ana rest.  Hesaid looked at her for a moment  and said OK well you come and eat then. He got up from the spot he was sitting at and came to me. he grap me and kissed me tenderly and we walk back to the meal I had laid out for us on the small table. I just made a quick meal but something i knew Grayson would enjoy. Fried chicken and mash potatoes and cornbread with a quick sweet potatoes pie. He look up  at me and said " I just wonder about you how did you cook up a meal like this so fast . I just looked at him and said" Well are you just going to look at me or you going to eat" He said the meal on the table looks nice but i rather eat what im looking at now" I laughed at his boldness. He sat down and began eating like he would run out of time and they would take his meal. I guess he notice me looking up at him at he just smiled and said"What, I haven't had a real me since the last time i saw you. After he finished I took the plates and clean them. When i changed into my night gown i walked to the bed room he was laying in my bed with his longjhons on. i smiled and said "who said you can sleep in my bed' he got up and walked over to the door and said" i can leave if you like me to" As he began to walk out i screamed "No"!  He smiled and pull me to him and he picked me up and laid me on the bed and he then wrapped his arms around me and pulled me inclose to him. It felt so good to be wrapped in his arms , i turn into him and smelled his scent and smiled to myself, he looked down and asked me what i was thinking about , i looked up and said im just thinking about you. He looked up at me and kissed my head and said im glad im back here with you. He began to tell me he was , well let me tell you word for word what he said,"When I  was in Germany I would lay ever night thinking of you, I would think how this little 18 year old girl took this 27 year old man in a short time and made him fall in love with her. i would dream of the night when i could fainly lay down with her and hold her tight in my arms. as we both lay down to rest. Now part of my dream came true but the other part of my dream is up  to her to make it make it happen. I was planing to wait a little longer but i can't anymore,when i lay here next to you i can't bear the weight any longer ." He grabed a ring from around his neck and Said while holding me in his arms" Will you Emily do me the honor of being my wife?" I felt my heart beatng faster and  said" Yes of course i will marry you Grayson"  I lifted my head up and grab him and pulled him even more closer then he already was to me and placed a thousands or so kiss's around his face and neck, he stopped me while he reach for the chain around his neck and and pulled off one of the rings around his neck and place it around my finger. Who ever thought i could be so happy in times like these.

There is more to this story but if you wan to know what happens next leave comments or votes.

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