Grayson letter No.1

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Dear Diary

It been really hard writing, im been trying so hard to focus on work and not to thinking  about Grayson. I been taking double shifts at the nurse corps trying to fill my mind with the ordeals with other people problems trying not to focus on my inner thoughts. It has been almost a month since Grayson left to fight in Germany . I see other men come back with half of there skulls blown off and men with nothing left on them but the min to live. So many men were being brought back with life threatening injuries. And every time i look at the men I lose myself control I start to think about Grayson. Wondering if he will come back in the same way of theses men sometimes i don't think he will come back to me at all.  And i  will be left alone and hurt broken i just knew if i ever lost him i would never love the same again there would never be a man like him , there will never be a man to take his place. I know i only known him a short time but you will be amazed at what can happen in a little period of time. I have been worried sick about Grayson. Grayson  has not wrote to me he has not responded back to the 100s of letters i sent him since he departed from me in Poland. I feel so grief sicken by this.... I will write to you As soon as i can.


Dear Dairy

Sorry for the wait ... But i have some great news yesterday I received my mail i got some letters from home my mom and dad or doing great my best friend back home Lucy wrote to me a letter saying she has meets someone and now she is engaged im so happy for her it took me by shock though because I would have never thought of Lucy to be the one to settle down she was so set on experiencing life first., but enough about that  I fainnnly received the letter i been hoping for well more like letters. Grayson responded to all my letters and even more. he explained to me in one letters how thing were going when he first arrived in camp but there's is one letter that i read to myself over and over again  i will keep it here in you diary so i can reflected back to what he said one day..

Grayson letter no.1

Dear my sweet Emily it has been a month since i heard  from you i hope you have been getting all my letters. If you have not well it has been a very tough time for me being here. With then hours of arriving  I seen my friends get shot down in front of me bullets flew past me my life and many others mens life flew past me in a instant .  I saw so many many men get shot down right in front of me men legs and arms getting blown to shreds right there as i stood. As I begain to firer my gun at a unknown and unseen enemy I thought of you. When It was time for me rest at night I would close my eyes and see your face  I would see your deep ocean blues eyes and your your black curls bounce upon your shoulders. I will remember your sweet pink full lips that tastes of fresh peaches.  I would remember our walks in the corps and listening to your sweet tender voices as you told me stories of your schools days .  As lay down righting to you I think of your smell and how you smelled of wild flowers and coffee.  And now I know that thinking of you will keep me,knowing that i have you to come back to will keep me going through the ordeal that im face with. You are the one that's going to give me strength when know one else will. And I know  I only told you a few times But just  know that when i say this , this is no lie I Grayson truly do love you Emily with all my heart and soul and  you my Sweet Sweet Emily... I know that  that there will never be a women like you I will never love a women like I love you .... Even though we only known each other this short time  I just want you to know that it is only you my Emily that will keep me going ... Love your only Grayson

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