Meeting Ana

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Dear Diary


It has been days since Grayson Letter had came. I can't hardly contain my joy but i feel so guilty for being so happy when there is so much sadness and destruction around me. I try to ignore the sounds of men and women cries but I can't ignore the sounds of the children cries as they sit in the over full rooms and cry out for there family they will never see again. It is heart breaking knowing that theses children can't go back to the lives they had once had. Last week a shipment new people came many sick men women and injured children came in to camp. I stood as I watch them being unloaded off the trucks the people were Jews i knew from one look i dint care about their races my job was to help all that came to me. When i walked to check the trucks i saw this Germany little girl I looked wide eye knowing if anyone found  here they will  interrogate her even torture the small child if they new she was a German. I ran in and pick the small little girl up i saw she was no older then 4 maybe 5 she had a broken arm and a small fracture to her skull she looked as she has been beaten and by the look of her she did not look as if she has eaten. her body was so small and frail. I asked her in polish "Wszystko w porządku, co jest nazwą" which mean are you alright and what is your name. She replied to me nazywam się Ana. which mean my name is Ana. I looked at her huge gray eyes and big dark curls she reminded me of a smaller me. I looked at Ana and knew i would take care of her after asking her some question about her were about and parents she told me that her father and mother were laying on the ground in a puddle of red stuff as she hid under the bed as her mama told her too. She told me when she thought it was time she was pose to come out she ran to her mama and layed beside  her mama and her mother look up at her and told her to run and when you see a big truck hop in she told Ana that her and daddy can't  come with her and they will see each other again in the next life and her mother kissed her before she closed her eyes and never  woke up. She told me how she  did what her mama told her and ran, she told me she slept on the side of roads and hid from danger and one day while walking through a field she saw a truck loading people in she ran to the truck before she got there a man grabed her and said" say look at what we got here we have a German!"a group of boys came and started to beat her they didn't stop for a long time she said when she woke up she couldn't move but she said she had to do what her mama said she tried her best to get in the truck so many people were getting on they didn't notice her when she climb in she cradle to the back of the truck and stayed there til they got here. When she told me her story i didn't realize i had tears in my eyes. I pick her up and took her back to my room and began to to tend to her injuries. I layed her on the bed next to mines I watch as she layed still and went to make her some soup, i woked her up and told her to eat she looked up at me with her big eyes and said thank you when she finished eating she asked me "are you going to be my new mama?"  I looked up debating weather i should answer her but the look she gave me i knew i couldn't say no. I smiled at her and said "of course I will be your new mama." Then i had a talk with her saying that she could not tell people she was German i explain if that happen they will take you away from me and i will be very sad.. She looked at me and said " I will never want to hurt my mama and i will do as you say mama" She open her arms out for a hug i ran to her and hug her and held her in my arms. How and im going to balance working now that I'm a mama to a 4 year old girl who will need me what did i get myself into. I remember before i started working and i was in training they told-me not to ever get attach to a patient but i knew Ana was different. I knew when i first saw her she will be mines To care for, and i will do my best to make sure she is to live the rest of her life happy,because in the in her few short years of being here she has suffered enough for five men.  what will i tell Grayson? what will he think now that I have take in a child and keeping it as my own? I will let that be handle when that time gets here, now my focus is on Ana................

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