Chapter 6

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"He kissed you? He kissed you?!" 

I couldn't help but laugh, nodding my head at Morgan as she squealed like a teenage girl. She was obviously the first person I told the next day, and she couldn't come to the apartment fast enough. I made sure Jess' door was fully closed, having expected Morgan to freak out. I just didn't want my little girl waking up when she could sleep a little longer. 

"Tell me everything. Leave one little detail out, and you're dead." She threatened. 

And so I did. I dove right in, telling her how the date began to how it ended. How Ross was such a gentleman, to not only me, but to Jess as well. I wasn't even surprised that my cheeks were hurting from smiling so wide. Just saying his name made a smile appear. I grabbed a couch cushion and held it against my stomach, my arms wrapping around it and my chin resting on the soft fabric. My head was filled with memories from last night, the kiss being the main one. My stomach just fluttered at the memory, our lips connecting in such a way I didn't know possible. 

No one, not even Kyle made me feel like this. With Ross, it all felt natural, like we were two puzzle pieces meant to fit perfectly. I couldn't even compare my former relationship with Kyle to the one I had with Ross now. But...were we in a relationship? Yes, we went on a date and kissed, but did that mean we were together? 

I really, really hoped so. 

"Dude, you're so in love." Morgan commented, throwing a smirk my way. 

"I'm not in love." I denied with a shake of my head. "I just like him. A lot." 

"Sure, sure. Whatever you say." She quickly went to grab herself a drink before reclaiming her seat. "So, how late did he leave least night?"

I could feel my face heat up almost immediately. "Uh, h-he didn't leave until three hours ago." Her jaw dropped, followed by her eyes widened. "We fell asleep! We didn't do anything else!" If I knew Morgan, and I did, she would've thought we did more than kissing. "We fell asleep on the couch, I swear." 

"You fell asleep, huh? What a likely story." She grinned. "If your parents were here right now, they'd probably have a cow. You never even told them why you and Kyle broke up."

"Because they'd be pissed off. My dad would probably kick his ass, and as much as I would enjoy to watch that, I didn't need my dad going to jail." 

"Eh, he could always hire someone." 

I stared blankly at her. "Not my point." When Kyle left, I was completely heart broken, but I knew I couldn't tell my parents the reason. They were going through enough, and I didn't want to add to their heartache. So, even though it killed me to lie to them, I told them our breakup was a mutual decision. I think they were too distraught and overwhelmed to question me. 

"I don't even know where he is." I continued, my fingers digging into the cushion. "He could be anywhere right now. But honestly, I'm glad he left. Kyle leaving made me realize that I didn't need him in my life. I have Jess, you, and my parents. That's all I need."

"Don't forget Ross." She smiled. "From the way you talk about him, I definitely think he's in your life now." 

I couldn't help but agree. 

Morgan stayed for a little while longer before leaving, not wanting to be late for work. I ran a hand through my hair, glancing at the clock and deciding that it was time to wake Jess up. She was buried under her blankets, her hair disheveled and her thumb in her mouth. Her bunny was tucked under her arm, holding it tight. 

"Baby," I knelt down beside her bed and stroked her back, gently rubbing my hand up and down. "It's time to wake up, sweetie." At her little groan of protest, I smiled and kissed her cheek. "Don't be grumpy, missy. You slept for a long time."

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