Telling Simon

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Harry's P.O.V

My hands were shaking thinking of what Simon would say. Harmony giggled at something Louis said and glanced my way. She stopped giggling and gave me a hug, 

"its all right Harry-Berry!" she said smiling up at me with that cute smile of hers cause she was too cute not to be sad at 

Oh man, how I wish her words were true right now cause everything is not alright! 

"We're here." The driver told us sadly, yep he himself liked Harmony and knew we had to talk to Simon about keeping her as well as the other girls. 

We all got of the limo each with one of the girls close to us, and the strollers in the trunk for Cara and the babies as we headed in to see Simon. Once we got there we got a stroller out for the babies and Cara's, so she doesn't take off from us as well as each of the diapers bags that was needed for the little ones just in case they needed to be changed or needed milk. Once all of the little ones were buckled all of us walked in to the building with the girls with us in the stroller or being carried cause they were little. Liam went to the lady and told her what we were here for. Harmony started to jump up to obliviously see the desk cause she was too little, but she failed every time but she did not give up, so she could see the receptionist that was behind that tall desk. I walked over to her and tried to put her on the desk but she held her ground 

"Harry-Berry I can do it myself I'm a big girl not a baby." She said to me siding my arms off her waist cause she knew I was going to help her. 

After a few more tries she finally got to the top of the desk without help from any of us and Niall was proud that Harmony was like that at such a young age and did not want to give up until she got what she wanted. 

"I HAVE SUCCEED!!!!" She shouted throwing her arms up in the air careful not to fall off the desk and onto the floor which would not be good. 

Then we all heard a chuckle from the hallway, we looked to see Uncle Si watching Harmony with humor in this eyes, and he didn't see Bella or the others which was a blessing 

"So I see you've all adopted a child." He said to us. 

Before any of us could answer, Harmony replied 

"Yep! Their really nice! Unlike all my other foster families who hate me!! Plus they actually fed me, love me and i have lots of sisters as well!!" She covered her mouth. "I wasn't supposed to say that didn't I..." she says as she looks at us like she is going to be punished for disobeying us which she won't cause this is all new to her still, and she was still learning 

"More kids do tell" Simon says as he guides us to his office so he could meet all of the girls that we had with us, so they could get use to Simon 

Cara started to tug at Niall's shirt 

"Yes sweetie?" he asks as he looks down at her 

Cara started to dance like she was uncomfortable

"Do you need change sweetie?" he asks her

She nods cause she didn't want to say it out loud in front of Simon cause she was shy around strangers

"Okay daddy will change you come on let's get you a dry nappy on you pretty girl" he says as he takes her and the babies to the bathroom so they could be changed before they met Simon cause some of the babies have a tendency of leaking out of their nappies  

Cara felt better after she had a new nappy on her

"You are starting to get a rash on your little bum daddy will keep an eye on that to make sure it doesn't get worse baby girl" Niall says as he changes Nola the next in line cause she didn't like it either

Nola had a bad rash on her little bum and Niall was careful with her cause she was in a lot of pain from the rash on her little bum

"I know it hurts sweetie, and daddy is taking care of you, so it doesn't hurt that bad" he says as he soothes her after he changes her cause that didn't feel good at all 

Harry and Liam took care of the last two since Niall was busy with Nola right now who was in a lot of pain from her little rash. Louis was by the girls bathroom cause the oldest two had to go as well  

"Is Nola okay?" Harry asks Niall

"She has a bad rash and it really hurts her" Niall says to Harry as he holds Nola close to him  as he rocks her gently to help her

"The poor thing" Harry says as he looks at the baby that was close by daddy 

"Yeah I think we are going to cuddle really good after this meeting is over" Niall says as they go and see Uncle Simon, so he could meet all of the girls that he has besides Harmony who was the eager beaver one of the girls who had a lot of pep in her 

"Where's Bella?" Niall asks Louis when he didn't see Bella come out of the bathroom like Harmony did

"She is saying her tummy really hurts and she can't move" Louis says as he holds Harmony who was really scared about her sister 

"It might be her appendix or something" Niall says as he goes in to see about Bella and make it all better for her 

Niall rubs her tummy a little bit to help her out to make it better for her 

"We are going to the hospital" Niall says as he picks Bella up and carries her out of the building and to the car so he could get Bella taken care of 

"What about Simon?" Liam asks as he follows behind quickly with the littlest ones 

"I'll say something came which it did and we will reschedule or he can stop by the mansion later to meet Harmony and the others right now we got to get to the hospital to get Bella taken care of right now she is more important then Simon and I don't want nothing to happen to her" Niall says as he gets in the car so they could head to the hospital to see about Bella cause he wasn't going to waste any time to get Bella better and he was willing to do anything to make it all better for her

"It hurts daddy" she says to him

"I bet it does baby and daddy will take good care of you and get you better" Niall says as he has the driver head for the hospital so Bella could be seen and get the care that she needed to get better 

V & C

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