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Niall was excited for the girl's first Christmas and he couldn't wait to see what their eyes looked liked on Christmas morning when they opened their presents

'Sierra it's okay you are with daddy baby doll and nothing is ever going to hurt you ever" he says as he walks with the baby that was quite fussy Christmas eve night for some reason

Sierra woke up from her slumber a little bit ago and she hasn't settled down anytime soon for Niall

"Sierra i fed you, changed your nappy twice, burped you, rocked you and nothing. What is your trouble baby girl?" he asks her as he continues to walk with her cause she was still fussy as could be and wasn't settling down at all cause he didn't want her to wake up the whole house with her crying

"Maybe if daddy played his guitar for you you will go to sleep" he says as he lays Sierra in her little bouncer since Bella and the little girls put cookies and milk out for Santa already, and were in bed, so the only ones that were up were Niall and Sierra

Sierra didn't like that at all 

"Sweetie I'm going to get you to settle down one way or another" he says as he grabs his guitar to play for her

Niall starts strumming little things and she started to settle down on her own 

"You love hearing daddy's guitar don't you huh pretty girl?" he asks as he looks down at Sierra who was looking up at him with her pretty eyes as she continued to hear daddy's music that he was playing for her and to make it all better for her

Soon Niall heard the other two wake up from their slumber as well that night

"Okay my little angels daddy is coming" Niall says as he goes up to them, so he could soothe them as well cause Niall knew he was going to be sleeping down on the couch with the three babies cause they were quite fussy and weren't going to go back to sleep until they heard daddy's voice or daddy's guitar

Niall grabbed Nola from her nursery

"Oh baby you are getting another tooth in that's your trouble" he says when he sees her next tooth sticking up in her little mouth

Then he got Kasey from her room as well

"Hey Kasey come on you two let's join Sierra cause it's almost time for Santa to come to our house and visit us" he says as he puts the other babies in their bouncer as well, so he could play his guitar for them, so he could get them back to sleep before Santa comes for the girls cause he did not want to disappoint the little girls who were super good for daddy for Christmas 

Niall got all three into their bouncers and settled back down, so he could play his guitar for them to get them to settle down and go to sleep on their own again, and then he was going to stay down with the babies cause moving all three babies without waking them up 

"Daddy is going to play silent night for you girls" he says as he starts to strum the chords to silent night on his guitar 

Niall even sang silent night and by the ending of the song all three babies were asleep in their bouncers like little angels

"Come on guys daddy is going to place you in your play pen to sleep" Niall says as he picks each of the babies one by one and places them into their play pen to go to sleep on their own

Niall tucks all three in and gives them a good night kiss on their heads and pulls out the couch and sleep on it cause they will be up later on in the night if they can't sleep anymore 


Harmony woke up cause she heard someone in the house and she knew it wasn't daddy that was there, so she was going to go down to see who was in the house at this hour

"Uncle Harry?, Uncle Liam?, Uncle Louis?" she asks as she comes downstairs to see if it was them that was downstairs making all this noise

Harmony finds daddy on the couch, so she knows that it isn't him that is making all that noise, so she sees a guy in a red suit by the tree

"Harmony Horan?" Santa asks as he turns around to see her cause she was standing right there out of bed 

"Santa is that you?" she asks the guy that was in the living room putting presents under the tree that was turned on for the babies 

"Tug at my beard to see" the guy in red says to her

Harmony does what she is told and tugs at his beard to see if it was him

"Ouch" he says to her

"Santa it is really you" she says to him when she sees him

"What who's there?" Niall asks as he wakes up cause he heard Harmony's voice and someone else voice in the house as well

"Daddy Santa is here" Harmony says to Niall cause Niall was fully awake now

"Niall you have been on my superhero nice list this year and taking in these girls, so here is something for you" Santa says as he reaches into his bag for something for Niall

"See daddy he is real" Harmony says to Niall

"He is" Niall says when Santa grabs a guitar from his bag to give to Niall

"Here you go Niall I think this will come in handy with these girls" Santa says to him

"Yeah it will" Niall says as he accepts the guitar that was putting all of the gifts under the tree for the girls to make it feel like Christmas

"Harmony you have tried really hard to be nice this year, and you were nice. Santa has brought you something special" Santa says as he reaches into his bag again for something that Harmony wanted for Christmas that year

"A doll?" she says in shock when she sees the toy that Santa had pulled out of his pack 

"A special doll that is you have to take care of her carefully and she comes with accessories" Santa says as he gets what the doll comes with

Harmony was in tears as she accepted her present from Santa that night 

"Come on Harmony I'll tuck you in" Niall says as he takes her up to her room to tuck her in

Niall hears Cara, so he grabs her and Bella came out of her room as well cause she had heard Santa 

"You two are up just in time cause Santa is here" Niall says as he takes the other two down 

Cara was shocked to see Santa

"Bella come here i have an instrument for you" Santa says to her 

Bella goes down to get the present from Santa 

"It's a flute Bella" Santa tells her

Bella opens it and looks at it and is amazed at how it looks 

"Cara here you go" Santa says as he hands her a toy as well

"Tank you" she says to him 

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Niall Horan's daughter's wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now