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^^^Chresanto's wife Angelina^^^
Angelina's pov

Chresanto has been acting more flicky lately. When he come home from the office he showers,eats dinner then heads straight to the library,it's become a habit for the past three weeks.

We have been married for three years I know our marriage was one he least fond of because it was arranged. Yes arrenged our parents wanted to join our companies so they can grow globally. My parent's company deal with timber well his deal with Transportation.


I put my iPad down by the side of the bed and watched Chresanto walk in looking distressed but what caught my eye was the envelope in his hand.

"Hey" he mumbled,taking off his jacket placing it on the bed. Before seating down with his head in his hands.

I scrawled up behead him; placing my hands on shoulders massaging him gently. I felt tense then relax.

"Is anything the matter?" I asked gently. Chresanto removed his head from his hands and placed his right hand over mine stopping my movements.

He simply sighed. Before removing it and started to open the envelope;placing the envelope on the bed before he patted a spot next to him.

I sat next to him waiting for him to explain what this was about.

He ran his hand through his curls.

He turned to face  him. "Remember when I left home three weeks ago claiming I needed to relax?" He didn't even bother to wait for me to reply. "I got excessively drunk and I made a girl pregnant." He whispered the last part.

I moved closer so I can hear him better. "You did what?"

He sighed. "I got some girl pregnant" now that explains him being more flicky.


He looked at me like I lost my mind.



"You're not mad."

I sighed and placed my hand over his.  "I am but there is nothing I can do about it."

He nodded his head slowly but keeping his eyes directly at me.

"While what's with the documents?"

He turned his attention Back to the papers.
"Oh I met up with her and her boyfriend at the cafe across the office. And he gave me this. I sent a copy to the lawyer. I have yet to read mine."

I nodded. "Seems they have this under control. But how sure are you its even yours?"

Chresanto shrugged. "He says we'll find out sooner it later"

The room was silent until Chresanto started to read the document.

"Agreement by the party of and Mr Christopher Brown"

I cut him off before he could continue. "You knocked up Chris Browns girl friend. Really Chresanto of all girls." But he shushed me and continued reading.

"With party of Mr Chresanto Romelo Lorenzo August.
Terms of the agreement are has followed. Mr August must ready to tend and responsibility of the unborn child and its mother Ms Yn. After the birth of the child a DNA test shall be carried out immediately after with cooperation of Mr Brown and Mr August.
If the child is found to be Mr August's ;he will be required to pay three thousand five hundred U.S. Dollars every month until the child is eighteen years of age.

Living agreement will be arrenged later when the child is of the age one.

If Mr August has a spouse she must sign the agreement has a witness to the agreement."

When he finished reading Chresanto sighed heavily,for me in found this agreement wasn't as bad as I thought. This Yn girls seems descent.

"Well...?" I didn't notice he was looking at me.

"Its fine. She actually pretty decent didn't ask for much really I was expecting amounts like twenty or sixty thousand." I chuckled making Chresanto chuckled.

I got a pen from the night stand before grabbing the document and signing it then handed it back. Chresanto looked sturned. He got the pen and sighlned before putting the document back into the envelope and placing it on the bed side.

I got up and sat on his lap; wrapping my hands around his neck. He placed his round my waist looking deep into my eyes.
I leaned in. "Bright side is we'll a toddler finally making noise in the house."
Chresanto smiled before leaning in.

I can never Chresanto my secret.



Babbymama(YnXChris BrownXRoc Royal Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora