Waking up to a stranger

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"Um, hello? Are you okay?" Someone asks me, they have a higher register which I don't recognize.

I attempt to open my eyes, noticing there is no sun, I open them fully. Only to reveal someone looking over me.

I then feel that there's no gravel under my head, I sit up, looking around, only to realize I can't see shit.

"Where am I?" I manage to grumble before closing my eyes again.

"Oh, you're awake! You're, um, in my car." The man giggles, obviously finding it amusing.

"I'm sorry if this sounds rude, but, do I know you?" I ask him.

"You might? But if not," He holds his hand out, going for a handshake, "I'm Ray Toro."

Ray flashes a cheeky grin at me, making me let out half a smile. I shake his hand.

"Mikey Way." I say.

"So, I don't know if you're aware, but you got knocked out by a bunch of assholes hanging around the playground. Do you remember that?" Ray asks me, obviously concerned.

"Clearly." I say, trying to remember exactly why they punched me. My head begins to pound, and I lie back down in the passenger's seat.

"Are you okay?" He asks me, still concerned.

"My head hurts." I mumble.

"Here, I have an idea. Is it okay if I bring you to my house, just so I can get you a bit fixed up. I mean, you've got a huge black eye and your forehead is bleeding." He suggests, sounding nervous.

"It's alright as long as I don't have to stay here." I look over and smile at him.

He looks at me, smiling and then giggling.

He starts the car and pulls out of the school parking lot.

Now, I can't exactly say that I don't recognize him or not, because my glasses are broken, but I've found ways to at least make out an object without them on. I mean, his hair was extremely noticeable, you couldn't miss it.

I close my eyes and wait to get to his house.

Along the way, I think of why I didn't just hop out of the car and run away, wondering whether or not he is a serial killer, or just someone trying to help me. It doesn't really matter, though, I'm safe and no one can really hurt me. 

My eyes jolt open by the sound the car door closing. I see him walk over to my side of the car, opening it.

"I can safely assume that your balance would be absolute shit right now, so, maybe I can, I don't know, carry you, I guess?" Ray asks, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly, waiting for an answer.

"If you could, that's be great." I say, surprised at my answer. I could care less right now, I just wanted to lie down and sleep the pain away.

Ray unbuckles my seat belt and picks me up, bridal style. I'm surprised he's not struggling to pick up a 15 year old boy, but then I remember I'm pretty skinny, so I don't know what I expected.

As he walks to the entrance of the house, I lean against his chest, listening to his heart beat. He was warm. Much warmer than me.

God I'm creepy.

He brings me to his couch in the living room and I make myself comfortable.

"Here, take these, they should get rid of the headache." Ray says, handing me two pills and a water.

"Thanks." I respond, downing the pills and washing it down with water.

"So, is it okay if I clean you up a bit? I mean, you have blood all over you're face and an eye that's swelling." He asks me, kneeling in front of me.

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