Chapter One

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I was sitting in my room on my laptop, looking at comments on my fan page. Most of them were very sweet, telling me they can't wait until I start doing tours and TV shows. I was still in shock that I had a fan page. My mom came running into my room with her phone in her hand. "Kate! Kyle is on the phone with some good news!" she said handing me her phone.

Kyle was my manager. He usually called daily to check to see if I have any new music or to say I have a concert or talking to me about the upcoming photo shoot. "Thanks mom." I said taking the phone from her hand.

"Hey Kyle!" I said into the phone.

"Kate! Great news! In three days, you will be meeting with a famous band's manager to talk about opening with them on their world tour!" he said on the other end.

"Are you serious? Which band?"

"That's a secret. You'll find out in three days. I'll be picking you up at ten o'clock am. Be ready by then. We can't be late."

"I won't! Thank you so much, Kyle! Wait, I thought I had a radio show that day!"

"The manager said it should only take a little bit. Besides, the guy on the radio show wants to do an interview with you and the band, so they have to be there at the same time. It'll be no problem."

"Thanks Kyle, you're the best!"

"Get your beauty sleep! I want you to look your best!"

"I will. See you then!"

Then, the phone went dead. My mom was still standing in the doorway, so I handed her the phone, and she just smiled and walked out. I quickly went back to my laptop and logged onto Twitter. I then tweeted, 'For those of you who were waiting for me to start touring, your dreams are coming true soon! xx.' I then shut down my computer and went downstairs to eat. Like always, I had a blueberry Nutri Grain bar and a kiwi. As I was eating, I got a text from my best friend, Lizzi.

From: Mah Main Squeeze

You're leaving me?

My heart sank. I forgot about Lizzi. She knows this is my dream, so she has to understand.

To: Mah Main Squeeze

I'm sorry, boo, but I promise to visit.

From: Mah Main Squeeze

'You better.

I decided to shut my phone off and take a nap.

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