>>Chapter 4- Emotions in his eyes<<

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{Best Friends Always Come Back<<

>>Chapter 4-emotions in his eyes<<

Ryan POV

  I stand up gathering all my items and getting ready to leave but I am soon stopped by Johnson stepping infront of me. "Yes? " I question as he scratches the back of his neck. "Do you like Kenny, like as in more than friends?" he says shoving his hands in his pockets. I stifle a laugh, was he jealous? "No Johnson, I met him like an hour ago are you jealous?" I tease. I watch as his eyes light up a bit,  but quickly goes away. "me? Jealous? Please," he states, "Why would I want you when I can get any girl I want? " He says smirking. What the actual fuck? "I have a boyfriend Jack! " I furrowed my eyebrows together as I pushed past him. As I reached the door I turned around to see him with his head in his hands. I shake my head and walk to my locker.

As I get there I got the gift of witnessing Gilinksy make out with Avery, on his locker.  I rolled my eyes and walked up to my locker. Out of the corner of my eye I see her tug at his hair.  I hear a soft moan, and I cringe in disgust before shutting my locker. As I turn around to walk away, someone grabs my wrist. I quickly turn around to see Sammy standing there. "Hey babe! " I say wrapping my arms around his neck. "Hey princess." he replies picking me and swinging me in a circle. He places me back on the floor and kisses me softly. I instantly kiss back,  feeling his dyed blonde hair.  He pulls away,  and I smile as he kisses my nose. He starts kissing me all over my face as I giggle softly. "Wait Sam is your boyfriend?" we hear beside us.  We both turn out heads to see Johnson there. 

"Uh, yeah.' I say as me and Sam let go of each other. "Why did you tell me bro?" J says, with millions of emotions flashing through his eyes. "I thought you knew. " "Obviously not. " he says crossing his arms over his chest." Why are you so mad?" I ask taking a step away from Sammy,  but a step closer to Johnson. "I don't know. " I hear him mumble under his breath. I scoff and turn on my heel giving Sammy a peck on the cheek before heading to class.

  \•/ \•/ \•/

I tap my pen against my desk as my mind kept drifting back to the "fight" that had happened earlier. I kept thinking about the emotions that flashed through his eyes.  I couldn't exactly tell what emotions it was.  "Can you stop?" the boy next to me whispers."oh yeah sorry. " I say setting the pen on my desk, picking up my pencil,  getting out a piece of paper. I started to scribble not really paying attention to what I was drawing. I looked down to see, I had drawn Johnson.  When he had his arms crossed in the hallway earlier. "That's really good. " I hear from behind me. I look to my left to see the boy from earlier again. "Thank you. ' I smile at him. "My names Grant. " " Ryan. " I smile at him. "Is that the blonde jack? " he asks looking at it again.  "Yeah." I shrug. "But it is truly amazing, you can see the emotions in his eyes, clear as glass. Love, Betrayal, and Hate. Why those? " he asks staring me in the eye. "We got in a fight because he didn't know Sammy was my boyfriend and got mad. I remembered how he looked and started drawing." he looks again and smiles. 

Hey guys it's been forever since I unpated don't hate me 🙈. But this was a long chapter. What do you think?  I will update again this weekend. And MAGCON IS BACK BABY. My friend tiara_destinyyy is writing a MAGCON fanfic so check that out, and also she's seeing jack and Jack in 22 days! I'm jelly anyways I'm going to go watch Teen Wolf bye!  -polarxidjohnson

Best Friends Always Come Back {J.J.}Where stories live. Discover now