>>Chapter 3- Three Familiar Faces<<

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{Best Friends Always Come Back}

>>chapter 3- three familiar faces<<

Ryan POV

  I rushed through the halls trying to get to class on time, but bumping into someone on the way. This isn't the first time today.. I close my eyes and wait for the impact of the ground but in never comes instead the person grabs my arm catching me, making my breath hitch in my throat. I open my eyes to look into a pair of chocolate brown ones. "Are you alright?" The boy asks. "Y-Yeah I'm fine, thanks." I smile at him. "Whats your name so i don't have to call you girl-i-bumped-into" he says smiling bigger if thats even possible., "ryan." "Well I'm kenny, kenny holland." he says. "I have to get to class, I guess I'll see you later?" I say. 

   I walk into the classroom and sit down in the back. As soon as I sit down three familiar faces walk into the room. Jack, Jack, and Kenny. All three boys scan the room and as they see me their eyes light up. I look up an smile at Kenny . "Hey Kenny." I say as he runs his fingers through his hair. "Hey Ryan!" He says excitedly. Kenny take the seat to my right as Jack J sits to my right and Jack G sits infront of me. "Great." I mutter under my breath. 

   "So Ryan how did you meet lil' ol' kenny boy here?" Jack G says patting Kenny's shoulder. "I ran into him in the halls a few minutes ago." I say shrugging. "Yeah it was love at first site." Kenny jokes as he wraps his arm around me. Johnson looks between use before scrunching his eyebrows together. "Are you two like together." A blonde girl asks from the front of the room. "No just friends." I smile at her. "You two would look cute together." She says smiling before turning back to her friends. "We would look cute together." He jokes again and this time Johnson's face starts to turn red."Yo Johnson you okay?" GIlinsky asks. Johnson looks at Jack and slowly nodded his head. As the teacher walks into the class late.


Long time no see! I'm sorry this chapter is short I have just been really busy with homework, I had a test today and I have two more tomorrow wish me luck! Love you guys!


Best Friends Always Come Back {J.J.}Where stories live. Discover now