he watched her. stopped in his tracks.

"you can stay," roma said, promised. almost. "i, um, i want you to stay."

roma attempted to reciprocate his smile, lips tugging upwards at the corners.

the sunlight beamed over the floorboards, creating a fluorescent glow of yellow.

baekhyun's benevolent movements manoeuvred their way towards the counter-top, grabbing the food, and over towards the direction of roma's bedroom. gulping, shaking her head, roma followed, her attention fixated on the back muscles visible through his t-shirt.

he took one look at the messy countenance of her bed cover and carefully began arranging her things into a pile, making space. roma somehow wanted to protest, but didn't, instead, stood with one arm draped across her hip, leaning against the doorway.

once finished, having placed her books onto the top of the nightstand, baekhyun turned and flashed her that smile.

roma felt relief. at ease, for once.

he gestured for her to come over to him, as he shoved off his shoes and threw them to the side. cautiously, she stepped over them and sat on the edge of the bed; observed as he opened up the bag, laying it flat against the white sheets.

"come here, love," baekhyun laughed, perhaps at how awkward and uncomfortable she appeared.

he moved over to the furthest side of the mattress, beckoning her closer. she drudgingly shifted her body weight closer to the side of the bed that he'd occupied.

"i hope you're hungry," he spoke, taking a bite from the fresh bread he'd just brought. the smell was savoury, inviting, and roma couldn't resist but to reach over and tear off a piece.

baekhyun looked pleased. happy.

"looks like you are," he said, smiling.

roma smiled, too. she'd forgotten about lunch, only now coming to the realisation of how hungry she was.

comfortable conversation passed, a situation that roma wasn't familiar with. baekhyun complimented her, commented on how quirky her room was, made small talk with her. as if they'd know each other for years.

"how did you manage to find me again?" she asked, in between mouthfuls.

the question would have maybe aroused suspicion or discomfort on baekhyun's part, but her voice was so soft and velvety and curious that baekhyun merely watched her as she delicately chewed on the crust of bread.

"i was just in the area. recognised the building," he answered. he might've not told the whole truth. "anyway, you don't live far from me."

that smile, again.

"oh, really," she said warmly.

she knew that, of course, from having to walk home the other day.

"yeah. one reason why i could remember whereabouts your flat was. also that and my friend knows someone who lives in the same apartment block as you," baekhyun added.

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