Chapter 24: He Knows Me Too Well

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Maggie's POV,

"Neither of the celebrities have replied to us but as soon as we know more about their sudden break up we will let you know! Keep tuned!"'

I sigh as I finish reading another articles the fans keep tagging me in. I don't understand why they are so upset, it's like they were in the relationship too, but they weren't. I guess they're expecting more of an explanation, but they don't need one.

It's time that my life stays with me, instead of with the whole internet so I can enjoy my family in peace. It was good to have a chat with Summer and James again, it's made me feel good. Brad is putting Angie to bed, think he is reading her a story, so I'm sat all ready for bed on my iMac and reading all the stupid articles.

I don't get why everyone feels the need to know what I am doing in my life, just because I was once famous and dated famous males. I think it's quite pathetic, that they have nothing better in their lives than stalk us.

If I'm honest I'm surprised that they haven't followed me to Brad's house since they were at Justin's. Not a clue how they know where he lives, but I've never really questioned it until now. I don't think he'd voluntarily tell everyone where he lives, oh it just makes me feel sick.

"Alright Mags?" Brad opens our bedroom door and makes his way towards me, kneeling down by the bed and taking my hand. I watch his every move and smile, knowing I have him now and appreciating his movements.

"Yeah, I'm alright," I shut the iMac deciding to not let it bother me anymore, and give my full attention to him instead. After all, he deserves it so much more. I move since I was on his side and pat the bed, so he joins me up at the top instead of kneeling on the floor.

"She wanted me to read Tangled, but she was just telling me the words before I even read them," he chuckles and takes off his shirt, then slips into his side of the bed but stays sitting up like me.

"I don't know why she likes that story so much," I giggle and Brad softly pulls me into him, as if he was scared to touch me or move me Incase I reacted.

"It's quite funny how close she is with it, she likes the horse," he tells me even though that of course I already know that. I look up at him to see him chuckling slightly. He hasn't changed at all, his curls are still perfect and he looks down at me, making me blush because he's caught me checking him out. I look down and cuddle up to him some more. "I missed this so much Mags," he breathes out.

"Me too, you're just special to me," I admit and trace patterns on his torso with my finger while I look up at him.

"I'm just so sorry for everything again, I shouldn't of been a dick and make you feel like you had to move away. I blame myself because I love you," he tells me.

"It's not your fault, we just had a rough patch and needed a big break. I've forgiven you and just want to build on our future, whatever that holds," it's true. I don't want to dwell on the past anymore, it's not going to do either of us any good.

"I know, I just wanted you to know how sorry I really am," he smiles and looks into my eyes.

"What's going through your mind right now Simpson? There's a look in your eyes," I say as I look back into his eyes.

"Just how much I really want to kiss you right now but don't want to do something wrong," he tells me.

"You're silly..." I giggle pulling him down, so I'm laying down and he's hovering above me because I've brought him down with me. He hovers above me for a little while looking at me, before finally closing the small gap between us and connecting our lips.

His lips are so much different to Justin's, they're much softer and careful. They're warm and feel right, like they've always belong there and never left. I pull him on me completely, so he's straddling me, and feel him smile into the kiss.

"Mags," he pulls away and moves the hair out of my face. "What's bothering you? Your mind is somewhere else," he knows me too well. "And don't you dare lie to me because you're a crap lier," he giggles and kisses me a few more times before pulling away and letting me explain.

"It's just tha fans," I sigh and see Brad's worried facial expression.

"They been giving you hate?" He sits up and he's proper straddling me, making it hard to concentrate.

"N-no, just..." I blush knowing that he knows the effect he has on me. "Just a-articles about him and I," I feel like saying Justin's name is almost forbidden, I don't know, I just don't want to be hurting Brad more than I already have.

"Oh, you gotta ignore them, they're not worth your time at all. Instead of reading them follow some nice fans, or spend more time with me and Angie," he suggests and gets off of me, laying down next to me and turning off the lamp.

"I know, I'm not letting them get to me, it's just a bit annoying that they have to write about me and Justin when it's none of their business what happens in our lives if it's got nothing to do with music," I cuddle up to Brad again and smile. What I have done to deserve to have him close to me again I don't understand, but I am so thankful for it.

"Just sleep Mags, tomorrow it'll all be fine," he said, and I felt myself start to drift off.

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Fallen - BWSजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें