Chapter 20: Tell Me What To Do

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(The photo is so true😂)

Justin's POV,

"Listen she's clearly screwing you about," Hailey sighs as she gets in her car to drive me back. I have no idea how, but my car has ended in the lake behind her house. All I remember is drinking in Hailey's kitchen, after that I can't remember a thing.

"Don't talk about her like that," I snap a little. I didn't mean to, I just didn't like the way Hailey saw Maggie, and hoped she'd see her as the loving person she is.

"It's true! She ditches you to spend the weekend with her ex husband and it doesn't smell fishy to you at all? Come on, we both know it." She reminds me of how Maggie didn't come for the party even when we had Alex booked to look after Angie this weekends. I didn't like the fact she bailed out on me, and didn't like the fact that she was with him. But I trust her, so why do I agree with Hailey?

"A bit..." I admit out loud. She seems to spend more time with him. I don't want to loose her, but I feel like it's a bit pointless to fight when she's already chosen. On one hand I want to have a chat with her and find out what she really wants, but on the other, I'm too scared to loose her.

"You won't be alone Justin, I'm always going to be here," Hailey drives and puts her hand on my right thigh. I feel a spark, it's weird, because Hailey is my best friend. Only.

"I know, if anything I'm glad you're in my life, you've always been here." I let her know and see her smile. She's so beautiful, she had a fiancé, I used to be in love with her. But that was something that told me to back off. Now she's single, but it's complicated.

"Well here you are, and your slut of a girlfriend and her child are here already," she rolls her eyes.

"Hailey please, if you think that just keep it to yourself, but I'll talk to her about everything." I kiss Hailey on the cheek, I think it was in a friend way, but I don't even know anymore. I wave her off as she drives and walk into the house.

"Justiiiiiiiin!" Angie sees me and runs to me, I squat down and she runs into my arms cuddling me. I love Angie, and I couldn't imagine her not being around anymore.

"Angie, sweetie how was your weekend?" I asked her as Lala run up to me too, causing us all to fall over and giggle.

"It was fun! But I missed you and Lala," she tells me which makes me smile. I missed her as well as her mum.

"That's good to hear, I've missed you lots too," I mean it, even though I can't remember much of the weekend. I know these two girls are a lot to me.

"Mummy is crying Justin, she says she isn't but she cried in the car, did I do something wrong?" Angie questions me. I frown slightly and pick Angie up and holds her close to my chest.

"Why don't you go and watch tangled? And I'll make sure mummy is Okaii alright?" I suggest and she nods, cuddling into me before I put her down and she runs off. Unsure of what's wrong, I slowly make my way up the stairs and into mine and Maggie's bedroom. To say I was worried is an understatement. Maybe I should give up, and fight because I know I don't want to loose her. Am I just repeating myself?

"Maggie?" I knock on the door gently and open it, seeing her sitting cross legged on the bed and wiping her eyes, smudging her make up. I take her make up removing wipes and sit opposite her copying the way she's sitting. She smiles slightly and takes one wiping her face.

"I'm," she starts but bursts into tears again. I pull her into a hug to try and calm her down. She does eventually, and continues. "I'm sorry, I don't even know why I am crying," she looks down, it's a sign that she's lying.

"Maggie," I sigh. "I'd rather you be honest with me, because that's more than lies." She looks up at me as I say that and nods, sitting up more and biting her lip.

"You mean the world to me, you know that right?" She asks taking my hands.

"Of course, and you mean the absolute world to me too, but?" I answer with a question, trying to get as much out of her as possible without being lied to. I know that Maggie is an honest person, but she doesn't like hurting people. This makes me worry even more.

"I kissed him again, a few times..." She bites her lip as she whispers it and looks down. I let go of her hands and run my hand through my hair.

"Are the feelings strong?" I ask her, frustrated because it hurts. She said she wouldn't do it again. Maggie looks at me and nods slightly before looking back down. "Stronger than for me?" I ask her knowing the answer. Tears well up in her eyes which tells me the answer.

"Fuck Justin why?" She cries. "I love you so much you've been there for me when I was ready to end life, I don't want to leave you, you mean too much to loose you," she cries and I pull her in for another hug. She's my weakness, even if she doesn't know it.

"I don't know baby," I sigh and rub her back. "I love you too, but I don't want to see you unhappy, and I don't want you to fake your live for me." I tell her the way it is.

"I'm not faking when I say I love you," she quickly tells me.

"I know, but if you feel like your feelings are with someone else then I don't want to hold you down got me?" I kiss the top of her head.

"So you won't hate me? But Angie loves you so much too, Justin I just don't know what to do, tell me what to do," she begs me.

"Maggie baby, I can't tell you what to do, it's completely up to you, but I can tell you that no matter what you do I will be in your life. Whether as your lover or as your friend. I don't want you to just disappear," I reassure her which calms her down. Well, I'm screwed.

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