Chapter 13: Coffee Shop

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Brad's POV,

Alex and I were walking in the park. I felt like I needed to explain myself to her, because I didn't want her to feel bad for sleeping with me. I'm going to patch it all up, just watch.

"Alex," I stop as we walked in silence. She looks at me with a small smile on her face, I just don't want to hurt her even more. "About last night..." I sigh.

"I know, it was a mistake for you, and it was stupid of me to even think you'd like me when all you've ever wanted to do is get Maggie back." She tells me and I nod slightly.

"You helped me though, helped me realise that no matter who else I'm with she'll always be on my mind. It'd be like I was cheating on you because I'd want to be with her you know?" I try my best to explain what it is I'm feeling.

"Yeah Brad, I get it." She smiles, but from her eyes and the way she's fiddling with her hands tells me different. Alex was beautiful, with long black hair and gorgeous eyes. But she just wasn't Maggie, and I don't think I can get over her no matter what. It's bugging me too, but true love never dies right?

"We can be friends," I nod to her and she looks up this time giving me a genuine smile.

"I'd like that, I'd like that a lot," we decide to go for a coffee at the close coffee shop, friends can hang out together in public right? We made small talk, talked about careers and what we wanted to do next. It turns out Alex is a nice girl, and is a good listener too. I'm just happy we can be friends instead avoiding each other because of one mistake I've done. To her it wasn't a mistake probably, but to me it was.

"Hi, can I have a coffee latte and?" I wait for Alex to finish my sentence.

"And a mocha please," she says and I nod. I give the young boy behind the counter the money and tell him to keep the change. Once we've got out coffees we go to a table in the corner and sit down.

"Thanks for doing this, I really didn't mean to hurt you or anyone else," I explain.

"Brad it's fine, well it's not but I forgive you, it was a in the moment thing and I was being a bit naive," she tells me. We sit there in silence and listen to the radio, while sipping on our coffees. It's a comfortable silence, it's not awkward. The bell rings and I look up, only to see Maggie, Angie and Justin. Kill me now. Alex follows my gaze and freezes.

"Don't panic, friends can go out and have coffee together, plus she's with Justin so she really shouldn't care," I add and she nods, relaxing into the seat and checking something on her phone. I watch them, as Maggie says what she wants, and Angie picks a gingerbread man and shows the boy behind the counter which one exactly. Justin then adds his order and pays, even when Maggie wanted to pay. I guess that hasn't changed. That's when Angie spots me. Fuck.

"Daddy!" She smiles and runs from Maggie with her gingerbread man to me. I put my coffee down and open my hands for her. She climbs onto the chair and cuddles into my chest. Justin takes Maggie's hand as if to reassure her, while she has her eyes fixed on Angie. She turns away to get her coffee, and says something to Justin. I hate not being able to hear.

"How are you darling?" I ask Angie and cuddle her back.

"I'm good, I missed you, look what Justin got me!" She shows me her hand which has a silver bracelet on with a few charms. "I can collect lots and lots of charms and be cute!" She giggles. I smile from her hyperness.

"It's beautiful, what you doing here girlie?" I ask her.

"To get a gingerbread man duh!" She giggles making me chuckle slightly.

"Of course, how silly of me," I kiss the top of her head.

"Well we also took LaLa for a walk, she did a wee on the floor which I nearly stepped in!" She tells me as if it was the worst thing to happen... Ever. She's so cute, and I'm happy I can call her my little girl. She then notices Alex and smiles. "Hello Alex,"

"Hello Angie, how's you been," she asks her.

"Good," Angie says and climbs down from my lap sending Alex evils. What?

"Come on Angie," Justin comes for her, she smiles and reaches up, so he picks her up and puts her on his hip. He's good with her and she likes him, and that hurts.

"Bye daddy," she says and ignores Alex. Did Maggie tell her to do that? Alex can't loose her job of looking after Maggie, it's paying for her university. Justin nods to me and Alex then walks. It's good for him, the fact that Maggie sees us together, means she won't leave him for me. Fuck this is unfair.

"So Angie hates me now?" Alex frowns and plays around with the cup of coffee.

"Nah, I don't think she hates you, she just needs to get used to the fact if she sees me with someone else that it's a friend," I take a sip of my coffee.

"You think she's jealous of me hanging out with you?" Alex asks.

"Maybe, Coz I barely see her," we finish our coffee and I walk Alex home. I like Alex, as a friend. I want to talk to Maggie though, but with Justin and Angie around I don't think I should.

@TheVampsBrad: wishing you'd let me explain.

I tweet it out and get loads of retweets and favourites. But Maggie, I don't think she even notices it.

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