6 Ponies, timberwolves, and nopon, Oh my!

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Akio, twilight, spike, applejack, rarity, rainbow dash, pinkie pie, and fluttershy were walking in evertree forest and the seven equestrians were talking to Akio about who zecora is. They told him that she's a is a zebra who uses her ancient magic to cast healing spells from her enclave deep within the Everfree Forest. They also told him that the ponies of Ponyville once believed her to be an enchantress who wielded the darkest of magic. But in the end, they've come to realize that they've misjudged Zecora and that they were very sorry and befriended Zecora. They also said that Zecora's wisdom has help the mane six and spike out a lot, along with everypony else in ponyvill." Wow. Sounds cool. She also sounds very nice." Said Akio as he puts his hands behind his head." She is. She also helped us out in situations that we couldn't figure out on our own." Said twilight." If it weren't for Zecora, we would neva have founded the tree of harmony." Said applejack.
Akio, hearing this, thought of something about what applejack had said. The tree of harmony? Akio said in his head. He then remembers his once a year dream seeing a crystal tree that had six gems, that were the same shapes as the shapes on Akio's sword of harmony, spinning around it. Could it be?" Hey, this tree of harmony, would it happen to be in a cave and is a big crystal tree?" Asked Akio as the others stopped in their tracks. They then looked at Akio with surprise and twilight asked," H-How did you know that?" Akio lowered his hands from his head and responded," Uh, a hunch?"" Don't be lyin to us sugar cube. You said it yourself that you're from another world. There'd be no way of knowing anythin bout the tree of harmony unless you were here before." Said applejack who noticed Akio had lied about how he knew what the tree looked like. Akio sighed and said," Alright, you got me. I'll tell you guys how I know what it looks like, but I doubt you'll believe me."" Don't be ridiculous Akio." Said rarity." Ya! We'll believe you! We won't think the truth that you'll be telling us sounds unbelievable!" Said rainbow dash as the others nodded their heads in agreement. Akio smiled, these guys are really good friends, I can't wait for my friends to meet them. Akio then took in a deep breath, sat down and said," Well, every year, on the night of my birthday, I'd get this dream about that exact crystal tree in a cave with the six elements of harmony spinning around the tree. Then all of a sudden, they stopped in midair, lost their color by turning grey, and then they fell down to the ground like they lost some kind of power or something. Then the area got darker and I heard a strange voice saying to me 'at twelve thy destiny begins. To restore the harmony with the blade'." Said Akio." And that's how I ever saw the tree." There was a moment of silence. Then rainbow dash said," Sorry, don't believe you."" Rainbow dash! You said you wouldn't think it was unbelievable!" Said twilight." What? It sounds impossible to have a dream like that. And I said I wouldn't think that it would sound impossible. Besides, don't you think that it's a bit strange?"" Well, what if he was telling the truth this time?" Said fluttershy in a nervous voice. Rainbow dash flew up to her face(startling her) and said," Because you can't just dream up something like that out of the blue once per every year. It sounds impossible! Right twilight?"" Uh, well, I guess...? But I don't know."" Maybe, it was a mystery dream that princess Luna sent him!" Said pinkie who pounded her two hoofs together while smiling. Akio raised an eyebrow, and spike then said," But wouldn't that be like.. Impossible? I mean, Akio and princess Luna live in two different worlds."" I guess your right spike." Said twilight." Hm..." Said applejack as she walks over to Akio and looks at him in the eye." Akio, ah want ya to look me in the eye and be honest. Are ya tellin us the truth?"" Y-yes." Said Akio who looked into applejack's eyes. Applejack then nodded and said," Alright. He's tellin the truth."" Is he really?" Asks fluttershy." Yep. He is."" How can you tell?" Asked rainbow dash. Applejack then said," Ya know me very well that ah can tell if somepony's been lyin or not."" Oh, ya. Right." Said rainbow dash.
Then twilight realized something and said," Wait! But that means Akio learned that the elements of harmony would soon loose their power all this time!"" Ah guess your right twi." Said applejack." I-I did?" Asked Akio while tilting his head in question." Yes!"" But what could that mean?" Asked spike. Twilight thought for a minute. She then said," I think that somepony, or something was actually showing him what will happen in the future. Or better yet, show him his destiny."" What do you mean twilight?" Asked rarity." The sword of harmony. The legends behind it. Don't you get it? I think that the sword was sending him those dreams as a message and reminder, and was trying to get him to know that equestria needs his help to restore harmony to the kingdom and repel the evil that'll contribute to that!"
Then, all of a sudden, they heard a scream from a distance." OH-NOOO!!! SOMEBOODY HELP RIKI! RIKI IN BIG BIG DANGER!!!! GIANT CROCODILE CREATURE CHASING AFTER HEROPON!!!!!"" Who was that?" Asked Akio as he sat up." I'd have to guess that was Riki." Said rainbow dash." You guys know him?" Asked Akio. Rainbow dash turned to him and said," No. I just heard him call out his name and-"" Look we don't have time to talk about this! We have to-" twilight was interrupted when all of a sudden, 2 big wolves that looked like they were made out of wood and twigs popped out of a bush behind them. The others were a bit surprised and frightened. Akio just looked surprised and said," T-twilight? What a-are those th-things?"" They're-" The 2 wolves howled and one was about to pounce Akio, while the other was about to pounce fluttershy, applejack, and pinkie pie." -TIMBER WOLVES!" Twilight finished saying as fluttershy, applejack, pinkie pie, and Akio jumped out of the way.
Akio took out his chain charm, dodged the timber wolf's attack, and transformed the chain charm into the sword of harmony. He then put his brave face on and took a position to fight the timber wolf that was aiming to attack him." Bring it lumber mutt!" Shouted Akio as the wolf then lunged at him as Akio did the same. When Akio's sword and the timber wolf collided, Akio was sent flying back a little. Luckily, he managed to land on his feet.
"Tck! These things are strong!" Said Akio as the wolf ran after him to land another attack. Akio then had the sword of harmony take on the same balloon shape from before, back at ponyvill." But not strong enough!" He then slashed at the timber wolf's face, leaving a blue electric shock on the wooden creature." Laughter paralysis!" Said Akio as the timber wolf is now laying on the ground paralyzed. After Akio had the sword turn back into the shape that it was, he then looked to his left and saw twilight and the others trying to fight back against the timber wolf that was aiming to attack them." Akio help!" Said spike." HURRRRYY!" Shouted pinkie pie while jumping fast and a lot." Ok!" Said Akio as he was about to charge.
Suddenly, the timber wolf that he attempted to take care of before lunged at Akio, and had him and the timber wolf itself fall down a steep cliff." Ahhhh!" Screamed Akio as the timber wolf whimpered while it was falling." AKIO!" Screamed the others in worry. Akio was lucky enough to fall accidentally into the leaves, branches and vines from the trees of his fall since it slowed him from falling. As for the timber wolf, it fell fast and straight to the ground. When it hit the ground, it shattered into a bunch of wooden pieces and was now nothing more than a pile of wood. Akio heard the desperate shouts for help and fainted.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2016 ⏰

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