Chapter 22

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Chapter 22:

I woke up from my nap. Stiles, Scott, or my dad weren’t sitting at the end of my bed talking like they were before I fell asleep. I slowly sat up and winced as a headache soon came. I noticed a folded piece of paper on the bedside table. I picked it up and read the sloppy handwriting.


We’ll be back tomorrow to check on you. Scott needs a little down time to get over Allison. So I’m gonna show him how it is to be single again… haha! Hopefully they will let you out tomorrow because tomorrows the full moon and I’ll need help with Scott… anyways hope you feel better and see you soon.


I shook my head. They were going to go do something stupid. “Those boys…” I whispered.

“What boys?” somebody said. I jumped and looked to my left. There was a boy with curly brown hair and blue eyes. He was lying in a bed with his arm wrapped up. I knew this boy; I think his name was Isaac. “Sorry if I scared you,” he said apologetically.

“No, it’s okay. And it’s just my friends. Sometimes they can be such stupid heads,” I said reading the note over again.

“Scott and Stiles?” he asked. I looked at him surprised. “Oh, my god… I’m sorry I sound like a stalker now,” he said looking at the ground. “It’s just that I see you in the hallways with them a lot… wow, I’m a total-”

“Don’t worry you don’t sound like a stalker,” I said smiling at him. He smiled back. He was actually really cute. “You’re in my chemistry class, right?” I asked him. He nodded.

“I’m Isaac Lahey,” he said.

“I know,” I said. I widened my eyes and mentally face palmed myself. Nice going Brittany, now you sound like the stalker. “I mean…” I said shaking my head. “I’m Brittany Mcarthy.”

“I know,” he said smiling. Then his eyes widened. I smiled at him and we started laughing.

“So what happened with you?” I asked him. He suddenly got really tense and he sat up in his bed.

“I just fell,” he said not looking me in the eye. I knew something was up with him. I couldn’t figure it out now, not today with all that’s on my mind.


Scott’s P.O.V.

Stiles made me go with him in the middle of the woods by some rocks. He brought alcohol and he was completely wasted by now but I wasn’t. I didn’t feel like doing anything ever since Allison broke up with me after that night at the school. “C’mon man… she’s just one girl,” Stiles said as he laid on the ground. “Ah… I love girls… girls… Especially ones with pretty blue eyes… and long, golden blonde hair… and a beautiful smile… and the way they look when they draw…” I sat up. Woah, he was talking about Brittany! “Like Lydia,” he slurred. I looked down at Stiles and smiled.

“No, not like Lydia,” I told him. He looked up at me confused. “You’re talking about Brittany!” His eyebrows turned in. He was about to say something when we heard footsteps coming towards us.

“Man, look at the two little bitches getting their drink on!” said one guy. I started getting angry. I could feel myself starting to transform. He bent down and took the bottle from Stiles.

“Give it back,” I said angrily. Both guys looked at each other and laughed. I stood up.

“Woah, Scott…” Stiles slurred. I looked at the guy hard in the eye.

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