Chapter 4

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Madison was confused- really confused. This wasn't the kind of confusion that one would face when trying to comprehend something in class, or a young girl going through an unexpected breakup- this was the kind of confusion that was tied to her self worth. Ever since she came to San Francisco, she'd thought she would be lucky to get any kind of job. But the moment her name, backed by miles of intelligence, got out there, she had actual options now.

This was all new to Madison, she had grown up feeling somewhere between a mess and useless. She felt that when she moved to San Francisco, she would be the average newcomer looking for a job. If it wasn't for the money that her parents left behind in her and Viktoria's possession, she would have been living in box out on the street, sharing a can of tuna with Smores. This situation however made Madison want to go hide out in a box on street, away from everything.

At the moment, Madison was caught between offers from Relis and her current job at Applsn. Madison loved her job at Applsn, but Relis was offering to pay her twice as much as Applsn currently was. She was beginning to wonder if she had chosen too soon, and if she should have been more patient. It's these kinds of situations that made her question whether or not she was making the right decision. Madison had been having dreams of switching to Relis for the past week, and waking up in a fright because she wasn't at Applsn. Although she thought that she would be happy that she was being payed more, something was pulling Madison to Applsn, and she wasn't sure what it was. It just felt like the place to be so she stuck with her path.

Her usual dream that she had been having all week, however, was disrupted by a different dream- one awfully similar or even the same as one she had dreamt back in college. This dream was strange, it was a dream of her married with kids. Even though Madison couldn't remember any other details besides the color of the kid's hair, she remembered there was something extraordinarily different about these kids- and her family. Her family had power, and her kids were unusually smart. But the thing that concerned Madison the most about this dream was how it came back over periods of months. And it was the same each time. Madison didn't believe in hypnosis, or paranormal activity, but she desperately wanted to know who it was that she was dreaming of, feeling as though the dream was either a prediction or a warning.


I shake my head trying to get at replaying images of the dream out of my head. I don't want that dream to come back, it feels like it's going to interfere with my future, or some intellectual thing like that. I turn over to reach for my phone and find something to do in the remaining hours before I have to get ready for work. Just as I squirm my foot farther into the bed to push myself closer to the table, I hear a hiss and feel teeth trying to sink into my ankle. I kick my feet away from Smores and stare at the dumb cat for a few seconds.

"You're fucking stupid." I say, trying to keep my best straight face. Smores was just like that, you know? One of those hard to find, special animals that not only felt similar to the presence of another human, but had half the brain but all the instincts of one. I'm certain God left that cat at my doorstep for a reason. Although, that would be calling myself dumb, since that cat has been pretty much become my therapist - slash - mentor in this whole ordeal.

I lower the brightness on my screen and rub my eyes, getting them to painlessly adjust to the sudden light.


Madison set her phone down and laughed a little bit. Viktoria was always over dramatic. She finished getting dressed and pulling her things together. She turned on the tv as she ate her breakfast, and remembered to call Viktoria back. It was only 2pm back in Russia at the moment, so Viktoria picked up right away. She instantly began talking.

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