Chapter 3

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Madison sped home from Applsn up the east side of San Francisco, She nearly wiped out as she passed by the San Francisco international airport when a Boeing 777 passed overhead. Slow and steady wins the race, slow and steady wins the race. Madison reminded herself. She was in a rush to get home, as she left her phone at home in fear she wouldn't have silenced it correctly and it would buzz or bing during her interview. Now she wished she would have just left it in the car. She knew Erich would only call her twice, and she didn't want to disappoint him.

After 20 more minutes of trying to stay calm, trying to not get in an accident or start traffic, Madison pulled down the driveway that led to parking for her condo complex. Pulling into one of her four parking spaces, Madison gathered her folders and keys and headed to her front door. At her front door, she heard a loud meow.

"Shady bitch can't live on her own for a day." Madison muttered to herself. She walked through the doorway shutting it behind her. She turned the corner to the kitchen and the sight she saw made her want to chuck Smores out the window.

Smores sat on the ground meowing loudly, 2 feet away from an open cabinet which her container of cat chow fell over and spilled all over the floor.

"SMORES." Madison screeched. Smores ran under the table again and Madison chased her. Smores scurried out from under the table and scurried up the stairs. When Madison jumped to her feet after her attempt to catch Smores from her hideaway under the table, Smores jumped a full 7 feet from the staircase to the window ledge, and sat looking at Madison.

"I'm not helping you get down from there." Madison shouted up to Smores as she walked back down the stairs to clean up the mess Smores made.

As Madison was first finishing cleaning up the last bits of cat chow that Smores had avalanched all over the kitchen floor, she heard her marimba ringtone coming from upstairs in her bedroom. Cursing to herself, she wondered how many times it had rang, since she had been vacuuming up some of the food and wouldn't have heard it.

Madison ran to the stairs, slipping on the hardwood floor at the bottom of the stairs. She quickly got back up and ran up the stairs, passing Smores who had perched herself in a comfortable position in the sun on the window sil. She meowed.

"You're going to a shelter!" Madison managed to yell as she ran up the stairs. When she made it to her bedroom, she ran to her phone which had been luckily still ringing and answered it. It was Ivana. She began talking before Madison could even say hello.

"I think you got the job."


"I said," Ivana said, edging a whisper. "I think you're going to be CTO."

"How do you know?!" Madison asked.

"I heard Erich talking to one of his lawyers. They were filing something out- from where I was, I could barely hear them talking. I'm certain it was a contract, and-or a disclosure agreement- maybe something else," Ivana was silent for a moment. "Their still at it. I didn't hear them say your name at all- or anyones, but this only happens when an executive position is about to be taken. Usually for most employees, they'll sign the same agreements as everybody else before their hired. Since it's an executive position being taken, their making up a different one- and there's only been two people headed for empty executive position, CTO. The other person went just a bit before you for his interview, and I heard from word of mouth that it didn't go well. He doesn't understand proximity modules, and there's no way Erich would hire him. Therefore, it leaves you."

"So," Madison started, trailing off as she spoke. "I could be CTO of Applsn."

"I'd say," Ivana laughed. "You were CTO the moment Blunt saw your college portfolio."

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