Chapter Two

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I woke up on the dirty bathroom floor with a pounding headache. I log rolled over to the sink and washed my face. My makeup all came off and I cowered away from my reflection. Ew, I thought, REAL SKIN. I quickly redid my make up and walked out of the bathroom, pretending the scene with the hefty woman had never happened. I noticed it was dark out and realized I probably wasn't going to get my necessary 10 hours of sleep. Guess I was coming in late to work tomorrow.

Before leaving the premises I walked back up to visit my, friend, you could call him. He was still out cold on the bed. None of those whore nurses did anything about his boner though. They didn't deserve to wear those tiny little skirts like Nurse Nancy at The House. I looked at the diagnosis some doctor left on the patients night stand. A coma. I put this man in a coma. My head started to spin and I fell to the ground and spewed my guts out.

How long would this man be in this state?

A week? A month? A year+?

And would that boner be there staring me in the face all the while?

I stared at the boner and I swear it smirked at me. I sighed and wished there was something I could do about it... or was there? Could I do a unconscious man? I mean this wasn't my theme but I could probably still do it. I locked the door and looked over at him. He would thank me for this later...

I started off with a handy to get it even harder for my own pleasure. I was doing this guy a favor I ought to at least have some fun while I'm at it. His pants were off and I almost ralphed again at the sight of his whitey tightys but I held strong remembering my good deed at stake. He wasn't too hairy, which was a turn on for this gal. I flipped my skirt up out of the way and got down to business.

Up and down I went on him until I was out of breath. I saw a very slight smile on his face. It kinda irked me to think of who he could possibly be fantasizing about other than me in his comatose state. I bitch slapped him for that. I slipped his clothing back on him and left the room once his boner downed.

I walked back to my car and couldn't help but think that that was better than the virgin I had done earlier. How pathetic.

I drove home and started stripping off clothes and crawling into bed naked. I kissed my girls, they had a good day today. I drifted off into a peaceful slumber full of dirty dreams of.. the comatose man. When I awoke I was semi-sore down under and I went to take a nice, warm shower.

The steaming water cascaded down my body. I splashed some over the walls because I felt like it. I used some strawberry body wash, lathering it over my smooth skin.

At one point in my life I used kiwi but some dude I had the next day at The House had a kiwi allergy and it didn't go down well for him. I began shaving everywhere on my body, even my arms. Deal with it. I skipped my private area because I had a waxing appointment tomorrow anyways. I have no idea what the qualifications are to being one of those waxing experts. Maybe they have to have the ability to refrain from growing pubic hair or something. I could do it if I tried.

I slipped in the shower as I was about to get out and I panicked for a second. I didn't have my life alert on! Then I remembered I was a young girl and I stood up. I walked over to the cupboard and cracked out the lotion. I slowly rubbed the lotion all over my body, gotta be soft for the boooyz. I dressed up in my work garb, which consisted of a soft cotton shirt, with a large dip in the cleavage, and a nice mini mini mini skirt.

The mini mini mini skirt had a small blood stain on it from when my maxi tampon didn't do the job. I paid it no mind because the men really only cared what was under the clothes anyways. I went into the kitchen to feed Ana Re Xia. She was my hairless cat. She was on the same diet I was. I gave her pellet of food and watched as she scarfed it down then scarfed it back up. That was my girl!

I galloped out of the house and to my pick up, I had a thing for galloping - Since I was descended from horses. On my way to work I only gave 3 fingers and 2 horn honks, which was a new personal record. As I was walking into The House I noticed a homeless man sitting by the steps. I gave him my chewed gum as a donation, I was such a good person.

I walked by Candi's room and saw her struggling with a heftier type of guy. I sighed and went in to assist her. We both pushed him off of her and onto his back where I supplied the handy while Candi slowly licked a lolly in front of him. Together we got him ready and took turns on him. Once finished I brushed myself off while Candi squealed her thanks as I walked out the door. That's what we do here at "the house", we help each other out when we need it. We're a team, a family. I even gave Miss rough a thumbs up when I saw her giving a guy a handy while twerking. I give credit where credit is due.

I headed up to my room and looked at my list for the day. A set of twins! One a virgin and one not.. Interesting. I prepared myself, mentally and physically, and eventually they came through the door. The virgin was ugly and the non-virgin was hot. Figures.

I got down to business with them, gently. Afterwards I headed to the bathroom and noticed today was the day. I sighed and shoved a tampon up my va-jay-jay. I then decided after all that hard work to treat myself to lunch. I went out the back door to the dumpster and I hauled in two whole fries and a quarter of a burger! I then barfed them back up into the dumpster.

I traveled room to room to find my bosses office to tell him I needed to take my monthly break. I noticed there was a line at the aquatic room. Must've been a showing of The Little Mermaid on last night. My boss was pissed because he had had the whole week booked for me. He told me they were all going to Miss rough. I threw his boob shaped paper weight out the window, shattering the glass. He sighed and got a penis shaped one out of his desk and set it down. I ran off and jumped in my pick up, literally.

I decided to stop at the hospital and visit my not-so-little friend and the strange man. I decided to take the stairs for once in my life, big mistake. I died halfway up the first set and had to stop and rest. I dialed 911 and the nice 911 guy carried me up the stairs.

I walked into my coma boooys room. He was awake. He asked where he was and I answered sarcastically "in my butt hole." He believed me though so I was led to believe he was retarded. Turns out he had a large case of amnesia. At-least that's what his doctor told me after I gave him a blow job in the bathroom.

I was just about to leave the hospital when a nurse strolled into my man's room, toting a cart of food behind her. She ignored my presence and began spoon feeding him. I saw his eyes and mouth widen as she bent down, cleavage first, to feed him a spoon overflowing with the sauce of an apple. The nurse carelessly allowed some of the sauce to drip onto his shirt. She said let me get that and slid his top off, revealing his sixy.

I decided that was the time to make presence known. I cleared my throat and shoved her out of the way. So I says to the bitch, I think I can take it from here while shoving pile after pile of applesauce into his mouth while feeling up his abs. The nurse proceeded to roll out the window.

I took this time alone with the man to study his facial features. He may be the most beautiful sight I ever laid hands on, literally. His face was a mix of Johnny Depp, James Franco, and Orlando Bloom. Aka motherfuckin' hot. He had the body of Brad Pitt, tan, muscular, and always glistening with sweat. My fantasy was ruined when I realized he was sweating because he was choking on a surprise chicken bone in the applesauce! How will I save this man...

I slammed my hands down onto his chest, doing CPR. When that failed I shoved my hand down his throat, grabbed the bone, and pulled it out all in a good 2 seconds. A new record.

I gnawed on the bone a little because there was still meat on it. I hate people that leave meat on the bone. Wasteful bitches. I scarfed it back into the potted plant in the room.

I glanced at the documents on the side table and saw the name of my patient. Russel.

Russel.. Russel.

I repeat the name in my head and then out loud.

He looked at me and me to him. I screamed and sprinted out of the room and down the hall. I socked an elderly woman in the jaw once I hit the lobby. I calmly walked out in the brisk fall air.

Names of all sort get me upset these days. I was pushing 25 and I still didn't have a name. It was  mostly due to the fact that my lazy good for nothin' folks never filled out my bitchin' birth certificate completely, leaving the name spot blank.

I got in my pickup, and drove home.

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