5 third year: fifth letter

Start from the beginning

However did she managed he'll never know.

Until he did.

She was running towards the whomping willow with Harry. Then on the other side of the courtyard by the bushes near Hagrid's house there was Saint Potter and Hermione yet again.

Draco blinked and blinked again. It was clear as day even though it was dark. There are two Grangers.

He smirked, he's going to have that in his dreams tonight.

Nightmares. Definitely nightmares. He tried his hardest to remove the smirk on his face, pull the tug on his lips downward.

There are only three instances that could have a turn out like this. Polyjoice; which obviously can't be because how could they make something that advanced, Dark Magic; but knowing Granger and Potter's ridiculously prudent Gryffindor ways they wouldn't dare and that leaves...

A time turner.

But that object would require thousands upon thousands of request letters from the Ministry of Magic. It's a dangerous thing. Even just looking at even he can conjure an already hefty list of things he'd redo if he has one. Including the first day they all boarded the train to Hogwarts.

He should have made friends with her immediately. Long before they're separated by blood and by house. Just so he would be wrong for once. That's it. An innocent mistake. A mistake that he'll keep doing and doing until his father finds out.

But that obviously won't do.

The increasing cold brought him back, Hermione and Potter had gone. There was only whiteness outside.

How does one keep secrets like that? Entrust another person with your life so easily. He watched as Hermione pulled Harry back from going to the willow obviously not wanting them to be discovered by their dopplegangers.

For Merlin's sake they are not even related by blood!

There is nothing more important than blood.


He stomped back to the library. He'll write her a letter. A proper letter.

Dear Granger,

You are practically baring your neck out there!

What are you trying to be eh? One of those Muggle heroes wearing nothing but underwear while flying?

He blushed slightly at the thought.

But he has issues to attend to.

How could you just trust your life to an insufferable git like Harry who must have had darkness running through his veins from the day he was born to be able to face up and defeat-

He doesn't know how to address Voldemort.

Harry calls him just Voldemort.

His father calls him The Dark Lord.

All the others just call him 'He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named'.

Draco was no commoner. He must choose sides.

"Writing another one of those prank letters for Granger?" Goyle said from behind him. He was wearing glasses, like he usually does when they are on study period. "Mind if I deliver this one?"

Goyle took the parchment in front of Malfoy without asking. But Malfoy had quicker reflexes, he shot fire from his wand. The parchment burned in an instant. "You weren't supposed to hold it, mate." He said coolly.

There were ashes on Goyle's face and even on his glasses. He wiped them all on his black robes. "Noticed that you have been paying an awful lot of attention to Granger, is all. Are you alright?"

"Noticed that you haven't been paying attention to your own bloody business nowadays, do you, Goyle? Bloody terrific, is that?" He scoffed as if the mere thought was too ridiculous to even have to defend himself, "Are you saying I've gone mental?"

Goyle looked terrified even though he is thrice as big as Draco, his reading glasses quivered on his nose. He removed them.

"Now sod off."

Goyle nodded and scampered.

Draco looked at the cloudy sky again and saw the hippogriff, the sight made him smile, its gray wings were spread apart traveling across the moon. Touching the lake with its hoofed feet. He wanted them to free the creature. Wanted Hermione to be able to find a way to rescue him. Disgusting things are done to executed hippogriffs. Unthinkable stuff. He made a mistake, one that would probably haunt him for a very long time. It was a childish act but he doesn't want to apologize- can't do it- the very thought made him lurch. It was as if the mere thought of apologizing meant throwing away everything Malfoy about him.

But everything turned out splendidly thanks to her.

His heart leaped as if it was him that was behind her. She was holding on the reins of the animal.

She did look like a hero.

He stood up and used his wand to write on the library windows. He frosted them a bit and wrote.

Be safe.

He blew on it and it danced for a good five seconds because anymore later someone else would have saw it. Or worse yet she would and she would go looking for him.

Draco for all his atrocious character building on his third year learned an important feeling: Concern.

He had sworn then that it would be the last.

And it had been too for a while because the moment he set foot in the manor his father was already dragging him into a different carriage to dark places, places that he wouldn't dream to exist with company that could have been characters from his worst nightmares. And he had no choice but to come.

Had no choice but to cooperate.

No choice but join the ranks.

Clearly he has had a side long before he was born.

And when the moment comes when he had to raise a cup he was the first one to yell 'Long live!'.


Sup? So yeah, the adventure continues whoop dee doo. Yours in Mayhem will closely follow both the book and the movie cannons because JK Rowling is queen. Not merely a retelling of all that happened though because there are parts left out about Hermione so I'll focus on that and stuff will pick up in the middle. :)

Song at the top is 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of Bangerz' because I want to rave but, alas, responsibilities. Goddamnit. Oh yeah and because Draco is becoming angsty and EDM makes me equal parts grindy and angsty. Hahahaha XD

Dedicated to AshleyClarke0 for always voting! Here's a Cauldron Cake!

Oh, and guys comments will be much appreciated! Please don't be shy! Mwah!

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