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a/n: I listened to this song on repeat whilst writing this chapter; it got the adrenaline going as I imagined the scene. 
| fourteen | 

The wolves of the Blackstone Pack had learnt to avoid Hercules. 

Following the knowledge of Ivy's plans to bring down the Alpha, Hercules had remained dangerous, his mood switching at any given time; usually involving acts of violence. And as he entered the gym one early morning, the males immediately tensed. 

Hades watched as his brother strolled into the room, casually, eyes scanning across Hercules' face, breathing a sigh of relief at the sight of his relaxed expression. Beside him, Darius smirked as the other males watched Hercules warily as he made his way towards the weights. Resuming his jogging on the treadmill, Hades shook his head, tearing his gaze from his brother and pressing the buttons on the machine to increase his speed. Darius moved beside his friend, also running, his feet moving quickly as they jogged on the spot simultaneously. 

"How is he?" He asked, chocolate eyes focused on the machine. 

It took Hades several seconds to answer, before he mumbled, "He's fine." Darius sensed there was more to Hades' sudden change of mood, but decided to let it drop; he was fully aware of Hercules' ability to snap, Hades not being much different. 

At the weights, Hercules felt the burning sensation of the other wolves watching his every move. He understood their reasoning for caution; he hadn't exactly been easy to live with since the departure of his mate. 


The name had Hercules' nose crinkling in disgust as his muscles strained, pulling the weights up. 

Ivy. Ivy. Ivy. 

He grunted as he added more weight, his biceps bulging as he breathed in through his nose. His mind hadn't stopped racing since Holly had blurted their secret the previous night, his head spinning as he forced his arms to move. He wanted nothing more than to find Ivy, but he knew that once he saw her, he had no idea how he would react. He was furious with her for leaving. Disappointed that she had kept her secret from him. But his wolf also had him pining after her like a lost puppy. 

Lost puppy. 

He snorted to himself. It was something she'd say. 

He shook her from his thoughts, listening as the gym doors opened, but paid no attention to the wolf that entered. He took a break from his weights, breath ragged as he sat on his stool, hands rubbing at his wrists. 

"Oh, look boys. The traitor has come to play." 

Darius shot Hades a look as his friend switched the treadmill to an emergency stop, turning around to face Derek. Cold blue eyes met warm ocean orbs, Hades' fists clenching as he glared up at the wolf before him. "Didn't you learn from the last time?" Hades spat, eyes noting the faint bruise that stained the skin around Derek's left eye. Derek was bigger than Hades, his frame broader and more toned compared to Hades' leaner and taller frame. Hades knew that Derek was stronger. But he was faster. 

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Hercules standing up, slowly making his way towards the wolves, a dumbbell in his hands. Noticing the movement, Derek span on his heel, coming face to face to the short tempered brother. He faltered, a sly grin appearing on Hercules' face as Derek cleared his throat, forcing a false smile onto his lips. "What do you want? Didn't you know that the Alpha has ordered you to keep your lame ass away from me?" 

Hercules looked towards his brother, noting the dark look that remained fixed onto his sharp features, replacing the stupid grin that was usually plastered across his face. Snapping his gaze onto Derek, Hercules' hold on the dumbbell tightened as he stated, "Frankly, I don't give a shit what your piece of shit Alpha thinks he can say," He hissed the words as if they were venom on his tongue. 

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