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I walked to the closest motel looking dirty in rags. My body ached all over from what I just went through.
I was raped by the people who killed my parents.
As I made each step, all I thought of was revenge.
I can still hear my mother's scream, the sound of gunshots and I can still see the lifeless body of my father lying on the floor after being shot in the head.
I went to the reception and paid for a one week accommodation in room315. Luckily, I took money from the bodies of those hired killers. They deserved what I did to them.
I took the keys and went to where I'll be sleeping for the night.
When I got in, I undressed and took a long hot shower.
When I got out, the body ache I felt before was mute.
Now I need to find clothes to wear.
I checked the cupboard if there was any and voilà! there was a white T-shirt and black jeans.
I wore it and what do you know?! It's a perfect fit.
I laid on the bed as I remembered what happened a few hours ago.

I just came back from a club which my parents never knew I went to in the first place.
I got in the green duplex and saw men with black masks pointing guns at my parents.
My dad grabbed the gun of one and tackled him but before he could get to the next one he was shot in the head. His body fell with a loud thud.
Immediately, I went to his body rocking it while begging him to wake up.
Before I knew it, I saw my mother's body on the floor with a slit throat.
I wanted to cry but I couldn't for fear they might do worse to me if I made a sound.
The masked men surrounded me when one spoke
"Why don't we enjoy her before we kill her? We wouldn't want to waste a beautiful girl like her without getting anything in return"
My mouth flew agape cause I know what they are planning on doing next.
Before I could say no, the three of them pounced on me, ripping my clothes as if it was a piece of paper.
One of them inserted something into my vagina. I knew what it was but I didn't want to think of it because I couldn't believe it.
I was being raped.
After they were through with me, they picked up the gun and was about to pull the trigger when I acted fast.
I grabbed the gun kicked the closest person to him in between his legs. He moaned in pain.
Grateful for my dad making me learn self defense, I punched the one I collected the gun in the face making him collapse.
I kicked the other one in the face and he too collapsed.
Before they could wake up, I shot them in the head with the same gun they shot my parents.
The third one came at me with a knive. I dodged, turned and shot him in the back above his waist.
Glad that I read the human anotomy during my spare time, I walked towards the crippled man raising his head to look me in the eye. Then I asked the question that bothered me
"Why did you do this?"
He spat on me.
"Fuck you."
I didn't bother to wipe his saliva off my face. I just carried the knife of one of his friends that was close by and began to cut around his right arm.
He began to hiss like a deranged snake.
"Please, stop." He pleaded.
"But I'm just starting." I said before I stabbed him on the already wounded arm. He screamed in pain.
"Now, tell me why you did this."
He looked at me as if he was contemplating whether to tell me or not. Finally, he replied
"I and my friends were hired to kill your father and his famuly. They were to pay us a sum of $50,000 each if the job was done."
I looked in his eyes to see if he was lying and found out it was true. I asked my next question
"Who sent you?"
He shook his head vehemently. Furious that he was wasting my time,I asked again this time louder "Who sent you?"
"I swear I don't know. It was my friends who asked me to join them. All I know is that a Mr Xender that made the offer. Please, don't kill me."
I looked in his eyes and once again he spoke the truth
"I believe you but I can't let you live"
Before he could say another word, I kissed him on the lips.
During the process, I stabbed him in the chest where his heart was with the knife in my hand.
His body dropped when I let go.
I stood and began to steal money from the rapists pocket. Well, it's more like collecting shells on a beach since they are dead.
Before I could go change, I heard the cops siren.
I panicked. I didn't want to stay and tell them this people killed my parents and I tortured/killed them.
With no time to waste, I said my final goodbyes to my parents and made a promise to them that I will avenge them. With that I left knowing that the old Diana Cosgrove died when she was raped and Deadkiss was reborn.

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