Chapter 1: Velvet Suits

Start from the beginning

“Please speak full name please,” The box said.

“Damien Christopher Manne,” I responded. The box whirred for a few seconds and then the gate opened and we drove through.

The closer we got, the louder the music had blared from the house. As we followed the road, more cars started to accumulate. We drove up to the front of the 2 story mansion and pulled up next to a large stone fountain that sat directly in front of the house, circling the road around it, filled with different cars. Many people were holding conversations outside as the party went on in the inside.The house was quite large yet bland for a man of his stature, having about 8 windows facing the front,two large glass doors sitting at the bottom, with two stone lions sitting next to them. There were a few trees planted at the sides of the house, purposely, as to have the full gaze be upon the house itself entirely.

John and I walked up the steps leading to the front doors and passed a few guests along the path. Most of them were subordinates, some with families, some with dates, dressed in formal tuxedos with velvet ties and different velvet colored gowns. Some guests were actually different corporate executives, appearing with dates of their own,only to have a good time. We walked through the front doors to sight of many people dancing in the hallways and the lights changed to strobe lights, hanging and swinging throughout the halls. Crowds formed as people sat and chat in different areas and rooms. What use to be a kitchen was now a beer hall, with different drunkards and idiots drinking to their hearts content. John tapped on my shoulder and leaned in closer.

“We’re not gonna find him in all this stupid crowd, I’ll search upstairs, while you go look in the foyer room.”

“Ok, good idea, I’ll call you if I find him!” I replied.

John and I separated as we searched through the party infused house for the man. I wormed my way through different crowds as I searched many rooms in the house. I bumped into Linda just as I was going to search the backyard. Very large speakers were next to the door panels.



Linda said that he was mostly likely to be in his study, so I headed upstairs. As I walked towards his study, a sound of a couple having sex in the master bedroom could be heard. I looked away from the filth as I walked past quickly, towards his study. I opened the door with John already in there, talking to mark as he sat behind his desk with Mark tied up in his chair.

“I thought you were gonna call me,” I said to him.

“Sorry, the music was so loud, I had forgotten,” John replied. As I walked in, I turned around and locked the door. “Ok, Mark, where is the list of names?”


Mark said nothing. He was was filled with pain and fear as John inched closer to him with a blade in his hand. Two cuts were visible on his face as blood rolled down with sweat drops to his shirt. His collar was worn out and unfolded. His shirt completely messed up and unbuttoned with one of the sleeves of his shirt torn. His tie was removed from the collar and tied tightly around his neck in one of John’s hands. The moonlight pierced the blinds on the window behind them as their silhouettes could be seen in front of it.

“Come on, Mark. We both know that you have it somewhere in this house. You're the only one who has the copy from last year’s rival list, and you wouldn't hide it anywhere else, but here, your own home,” I said

“I swear to Christ I'm gonna fucking cut your balls off! HELP! HELP!!” He screamed.

“No one can hear you dumbass.You decided to throw such an awesome party, where the music is too loud, but the pain will be just a bit louder,” John replied.

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