Chapter 10: Sweet Dreams

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For the next few weeks, Castiel visited Dean only in his dreams.

Dean would take sleeping pills every night, just so he could fall asleep and steal a few hours away with Castiel. He didn't need sleep, but this was their only shot of being together, so he took it. Castiel thought it was nice, of course, but it wasn't the same as actually being with Dean. Actually tasting him on his lips and actually hearing him cry out his name. No matter how much he wanted to go and see Dean in person, he had to stay hidden from Heaven's sight. And if they were going to look for Castiel, going to Dean would probably be their best shot of finding him. 

One particular night, Dean was dreaming he was driving along a never-ending stretch of highway that was framed with bright, vivid bushes and trees. ACDC was humming quietly through the speakers, as Sam always demanded Dean keep the volume down, and Dean was singing shamelessly along. 

"Hello, Dean." 

The car swerved with Dean's fright, and he struggled to get it back in control. 

"Fuck!" Dean panted. "Cas, don't sneak up on me like that." 

Dean's cheeks lit up in a familliar blush, and the sight of it made Castiel's lip part in a tiny, awkward smile. 

"My apologies." Cas said, staring intently out the windshield. The sky was darkening above them, and the very first hints of stars began to peep out from the last, dying rays of sunlight. It looked beautiful, Castiel thought. Too bad it wasn't real.

Castiel wasn't aware of it, but Dean was watching him out of the corner of his eye, trying to memorize every detail of his face, his mannerisms, everything. Dean was just worried Cas would vanish, like he sometimes did. 

"I miss you." Dean mumbled as he drove, eyes returning to the road. The words carried softly throughout the car and echoed slightly around Castiel. Dreams sometimes did that, and it made things get pretty hard to understand at times. Castiel turned his head and squinted his eyes in a confused manner. Why would he miss him? He was here right now. 

"But Dean, I'm here right now." Castiel repeated his thoughts. 

"Yeah, Cas, I get that." Dean laughed. His words were strained though, like he was holding a lot back. "I just wish you could actually see me. In person. This dream crap... Its not the same." 

"You know I can't...." Cas sighed. They had gone over this a thousand times. 

"Well, is there anyway you could, I don't know, work your angel mojo and make me hidden from heaven too? I could come and stay with you, wherever you are." Dean turned his eyes on Castiel with a hopeful look. This was really important to him it seemed. 

"What about Sam?" Castiel asked. "Don't you want to stay with him?" 

Dean's happy, hopeful looked turned to one of pain, and he looked away immediately. The skin of his hands paled as he gripped the steering wheel harder, and Castiel reached out to press a soothing hand against his shoulder. He shouldnt have brought Sam up. 

"Sam and me.... We're not getting along so great. He doesn't trust me. I don't even think he really thinks of me as a fucking person anymore." Dean's eyes narrowed as he spoke, and Castiel wished he could do something to help. Family was everything to Dean, and he couldnt watch him loose his brother. 

"I need some time away from him. Just to get my head straight, and let him cool down. The kid's such a hot head." Dean continued, and he swerved the car off to the side of the road with a sudden jerk. He parked, and shifted in his seat so he could give Castiel his full attention. 

"Are you sure?" Castiel asked again, furrowing his brow. 

"Of course." Dean reached out and took Castiel's hands in his own. "Please, Cas." 

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