Chapter 9: Interrogation

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As Dean began to stir beneath him in the morning, Castiel immediately snapped out of the warm, drunken feeling that had settled into his veins. The man below him was staring widely up at Castiel with bright, happy green eyes. They made Castiel's stomach flip with joy mixed with fear and shame, and he almost had to close his eyes from Dean's brilliance. Apparently he did a good job of distracting Dean from his troubles. Forcing his eyes wide, Castiel returned the gaze.

"Hey." Dean said as he ran a hand softly up Cas' back. His fingers were tracing small patterns on his skin with a light touch, raising goosebumps wherever they went. Then, they found their way to his folded wings, where they stroked each silky feather with a gentle touch. 

"Hello, Dean." Castiel replied, sitting up. His boxers were sticky and unpleasant, and with every movement the sensation got worse. Maybe he should have removed them before he... Well...

Dean followed Castiel's actions and settled in beside him on the seats. Their clothing was strewn about the car in small little bundles of fabric, and the air was beginning to get stuffy with their breath. Pale, morning light glowed down on the two, and Castiel did his best not to look at Dean. He was practically drowning in shame, lust, and regret, and he was sure to fall in love with Dean if he looked at him again. Castiel was supposed to kill Dean. Not pleasure him.

A soft hand wrapped itself around Castiel's shoulders and the feeling of Dean's sweet breath on his neck was almost enough for Cas' to forget all shame and to slink back down and finish what they started last night.

If something did happen to my vessel, you know what you would have to do... 

Michaels voice echoed through his mind, and immediately, Cas sat straight up and began to dress himself. He was painfully aware of Dean's confused gaze bearing down on him, and he was painfully aware of what he needed to do. He was getting far too close to Dean. This needed to end. Castiel turned to face Dean, putting on a mask of indifference, and sat with his knees against Deans so that Dean couldn't get too close to him. 

"Cas, what's wrong?" Dean asked, his already wide eyes growing bigger. 

"You should get dressed. Sam is awake." Sure enough, the figure of Sam wandered past the nearest window of the house, and Dean's skin lit up with a crimson blush. Again, Castiel silently wondered why this made Dean so shy, but immediately pushed the thought away. He had to stay focused. 

"Yeah, okay." Dean slid into his jeans, and got busy dressing himself as Castiel prepared himself to speak. In the back of his mind, Cas noticed Dean hadn't put his boxers back on and the thought made the space between his legs tighten deliciously. 



Castiel averted his eyes from Dean immediately, and focused his gaze on a little bee that was buzzing happily along the windowshield of the Impala. Bees were always fascinating. They were always Castiel's favourite beings. That is, until he met Dean. 

"I think we're getting too close, Dean." Castiel finally blurted, still focusing his eyes on the little bee.

"Whatever is between us, it needs to stop. There are things that I..." Castiel continued, but trailed off, not knowing how to put his thoughts into words. It got the point across though, so he looked to the man beside him. He was expecting Dean to be shocked, to be hurt, or maybe to get angry and lash out. To his surprise, Dean's reaction was something completely different. Instead, he just finished dressing and silently nodded to himself. He didn't even look up at Castiel as he stuffed his discarded boxers down beneath the backseat, and slid over to open the door. Just as he swung his legs out and onto the ground, Dean bowed his head and spoke to himself. 

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