
26 2 4

Tears are running down her red face,
Her screams fill the air,
She cant take the pressure anymore,
She has to be the best,
The best for me,
But she doesnt realize that she already is.
She keeps saying shes the worst,
That she should change and be a normal person,
She doesnt realize she is normal,
She most not see that she isnt crazy,
Everyone around her makes her missarable,
Even if she has some thoughts,
She cant leave this world,
She cant leave me,
Thats the only reason she has been fighting so long.

Dedicated to the best person in my life... and before you text me or something saying if im ok, just dont, im not so lete just please pretend i am ok.

Original PoemsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora