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When River fell asleep, I carried her to bed carefully. Words could not describe how angry I was, but it wasn't her fault. I couldn't take it out on her.

When she was all tucked in, I closed the door quietly and walked to the front room with my cell phone in hand. I dialed the police precinct and an officer instantly picked up.

"What's your emergency?"

"I'd like to report a case of severe child abuse."

"Alright sir, are you reporting for yourself?"

"No, it's my friend."

"And what is his or her name, sir?"

"Her name is Evangelina Garcia. Middle initial R."

There was a pause, then the man spoke again. "We have her record here, sir. Is the man abusing her... a mister Raul Garcia?"

"Yes. Her father." I growled the word.

"And what type of abuse is he inflicting? Physical, sexual, verbal, or neglect?"

"Physical, verbal, neglect, and I wouldn't be surprised at sexual, but I'm not sure."

"Where is he now?"

I wondered that myself. "I think he's at their house."

"A squad car is on its way. Does Evangelia need medical attention?"

"I think so. She's pretty banged up, but she's asleep right now. I'll take her to the hospital in the morning."

"What's your relationship to her?"

I paused. "I'm her best friend."

The officer seemed to be typing. "Is there any other information we should know?"

"Raul is a black belt in at least there forms of martial arts, but he's drunk out of his mind." Then, as an afterthought, I added, "And he's probably hurt pretty badly if River got away."

"Is River his daughter?"

Oh yeah. They knew her as Evangelina. "Yeah, that's her nickname."

"Alright then. We'll send an ambulance as well. Miss Garcia will be picked up at about 7:30 tomorrow morning."

"Wait, what? Why?"

"She'll be going into foster care."


When my heart restarted, I wheezed, "Why does she need to go into foster care, exactly?"

"She's a minor, sir. Surely you understand that she can't live on her own without a court order."

I couldn't respond. The only thought going through my head was, She can't leave. She needs me. I need her. She can't leave. She can't!

Them an idea popped into my head. "What if her mum gave permission for her to live with my parents and I?"

The officer thought for a moment. "Well, sir, I believe that then it would be fine."

I cheered in my head, but out loud I just said, "That's great."

"The officer will still be there in the morning, but if you can show him consent from Evangelina's mother, he will leave without any trouble."

"That's great, thanks."

"If that's all, sir, I bid you goodnight."

Well he was rude. "Bye."

I hung up. The next person I dialled was one I hadn't spoken to in over ten years: River's mum, who was living in America.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2015 ⏰

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