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A/N- Again, short and crappy. I promise I'll be getting better as I go along. Sorry, cupcakes. On the bright side, there's GooGoo Dolls in this chapter!!

-Xela <3

Beep beep beep!!!

I groaned inwardly and rolled out of bed. Mondays, I thought. I took a shower and got dressed in a white t-shirt, jeans and my combat boots. Then I brushed my teeth and left the flat that my dad and I shared. As I walked to Starbucks, I sang the song Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls. Yeah, I sing, but only when I'm alone. Anyway, I went to Starbucks and waved to the clerk, Jimmy.

"Hey, River! The usual?" He asked.

I nodded. I came here every morning, rain or shine. After I bought my and Lou's coffee and muffins, I walked to Louis' house. When I got there, I let myself in with the key he got me for my 8th birthday. We always walked to school together. You know, after I woke him up and he got ready. On my way to Louis' room, I waved hi to Jay and set down the food.

"Hi, dear," she said. "Tell Lou I might be home a bit late tonight, please?" I nodded. "Thanks, River."

I continued on my way to Lou's room. The door was stuck shut, so I had to shove it a few times. When it did open, it hit the wall rather hard. Lou moaned and rolled over. I walked to his bed and shook him until he groaned into his pillow, "Five more minutes, River." Yeah, I'd been doing this for so long that it wasn't,"Five more minutes, Mum," or, "Five more minutes, Dad." It was, "Five more minutes, River."

I grinned and resorted to the only way I knew to get Louis out of bed: tickling. He squirmed and laughed. "Stop! Stop, please! I surrender! I surrender!!!" He finally got up. "Jeez, Evangelina, gimme a break. Its Monday!" I gave him my signature Death Glare. I have one rule about my name: *nobody* is allowed to call me by my real name. Not even Louis.

I have coffee, I said in sign language, I'm about to make yours extremely cold with ice.

He was dressed in under a minute. Ha!! I knew how to get to him. "Sorry, sorry."

We ate breakfast on the walk to school. Louis made me laugh so much that more of my coffee ended up on the pavement than in my mouth. I stole some of his in revenge when we reached the school.

Ready for another day in Hell? I asked.

"Hey," he said, "You've got me! How bad can Hell be when I'm around?" He winked.

Personally, I think he jinxed it.

Be My Angel? *Louis Tomlinson*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें