Chapter 4

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Nate's POV
I left Jet at his locker and headed off to double art. I had meant what I'd said about the new boy. He was super hot. He'd been in my Maths and Science. He was in my art now.

He was standing at the front of the class with Ms Conefry, showing her his art portfolio. I peeked over his shoulder. Wow he's amazing I thought. At drawing I meant.

I took my seat and realized that the chair beside me was free. I looked up and caught his eye. I beckoned him to sit down and he smiled gratefully.

I tried not to stare.
I really did, but it was hard. He was beautiful with high cheekbones and a thin,pale face. His hair was a dark brown - almost black but not quite. His eyes were black and had a deep, focused look.

"Enjoying the view?"

He smirked at me. I felt my face turn bright red. I looked down at my blank page. Shit. I was falling behind. I started to draw.

The rest of the class went smoothly enough. At the end I was packing up my work when I felt someone behind me. It was him of course. I turned to him but immediately backed up when I saw how close he was. He smirked again. I decided I'd have to say something.

"How's your first day going?"

He beamed at me. His whole face lit up.

"Its been excellent. I'm really enjoying it"

I blushed again. What do I do now?

"Dyouwannagodrink? I blurted it out before I could stop myself. He looked at me confused. Shit. I forced myself to talk properly.

"Would you like to go for a drink. With me. After school. At Mary's?"

His smile widened.

"I would love to. Meet you at my locker. Bye Nate"

He left the room with me staring me after him.

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