chapter 8

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"Hiccup, it's time for your therapy" I heard my dad say. I groan in frustration. This isn't fair.

"Must I go today?!" I yelled back

"Yes son." I roll my eyes and get up. I've been going to this therapist for as long as I can remember. I hated it, I always felt really awkward being in there with that guy. He didn't help me at all. He'd listen and very few times talked to me.

Pointless really.


"Hiccup?" My head snapped up to the secretary.

"Mr. Troll will see you now."

I groaned as I turned my head towards my dad. He simply shrugged and looked back at his magazine.

I walked into his office the smell of earth hitting me immediately.

Maybe it was coincidental but I always saw him with the same outfit. As if he never changed or something. I rolled my eyes and walked towards the seat I usually took.

"Hello hiccup." He said and I waved as I clearly showed no interest in being here.
"How are you today?"

"I'm fine thank you" I held my urge to roll my eyes

"Anything new you wanna tell me? " he asked and I shook my head, hoping he'd get the hint and let me leave. "Anything...weird going on? With your friends maybe?".
"No sir" I replied

"How's Elsa?" The sound of her name made my head snap. I looked up to meet his gaze.

"What?" I asked

"How's your friend, Elsa." The way he said her name made my blood boil. In case you haven't noticed I didn't like mr. Troll. Something about him wasn't right, apart from his looks, there was something else...something odd about him.

"How do you know about her?" I raised a brow. He didn't flinch or anything his gaze still staired deep into my soul.

"You've mentioned her before, I was simply curious that's all." He said

I thought

"Here is your prescription for your medicine. Please take it every night." I stood up and snatched it from his hand as I walked out of his stinky office.

All this for my ADHD, pointless



Yawning, I dragged myself to the bathroom. The first thing I saw was the calendar

One more week

Just one more week.

Next week on December 21 also known as the first day of winter was my birthday
In a way I was excited but I never really got anything so there really wasn't much to celebrate but I was turning 18 and that meant I could move out and live on my own. I've had a few jobs in the past, and saved quite a bit. So goodbye mother gothel and all her annoying kids. Good luck.

I looked at the mirror and almost screamed. I jumped back as I saw my reflection. My once dull gray eyes were now light blue. I studied them as I made weird faces at the mirror and without thinking I poked my left eye.

"Owe!" I shrieked, the burning sensation turning my eye red. I rubbed my eyes hoping to open them and see my old ones staring back but no such thing occurred. My now blue eyes stayed as if I had-had them all my life.

I tried to ignore them as I started getting ready. Grabbing my backpack and exiting out of my room I headed towards school.


Entering my beloved high school I kept my gaze at my shoes and hurried towards my locker

"H-hey Elsa" I jumped at the sound of my name and turned around to see Rapunzel. Mentally glaring at her I decided to respond.

"Yes?" I asked

"Well umm we havent talked in awhile and I was starting to think you were mad at me" she chuckled. I shut my locker and started walking as she followed behind. "I just wanted to check if everything was alright and umm..I have some news!" She beamed "me and hiccup are-" I cut her off

"That's great but I need to go" I said and quickly ran into my class

"Oh look, the freak decided to show up today" Ariel laughed at me.

"Aww you missed me, how sweet of you" I snapped back as I sat down, I felt her glare follow me.

I tried working on my assignment but it was impossible to concentrate so I looked out the window, nothing but snow. Oh how I love the snow. It was the most delicate thing.


"Hey Elsa come hang out with us!" Hiccup yelled as I walked past the cafeteria. I mentally groaned but walked towards them.

"I can't I have to-" but I was interrupted by a horrible pain coming from my head.

"Elsa are you okay?" Hiccup asked. His voice had a tint of worry in it.

"I-i don't know. " I mumbled, "I better leave"i said and walked to the sick room.

The nurse examined me to see if anything was wrong but she said I was fine and if I got anymore head aches that I should take some pills.

"Alright Elsa," she said as she turned to me and locked eyes with mine. "You have very pretty eyes" she commented.

"Thank you" I smiled.

"Anyways, you can go back to class or home if you wish" she said and I thanked her before I exited the room and headed home.



Elsa was acting really weird. I think she's mad at me I hope not. I just can't stand the thought of someone being mad at me. Pet peeve of mine

I looked over at hiccup who ate his bag of chips and looked over at me as well.

"What?" He asked. I shrugged and through away my trash as the bell rang and I headed to class.

During these past few days things have been weird and not just for me I feel like everyone is weird but in their own way.

Elsa is avoiding us
Hiccup is so mysterious and paranoid

As for me well I've been getting these weird dreams of this girl with curly hair and this blue mist. Its all so strange I don't really understand it. Sometimes I'm looking for the mist other times I see the girl looking for it. I don't understand what this means


"Hey hiccup" I smiled as we walked towards the park to do some homework.

"H-hi" he stuttered, we walked a bit more until the park came to view where I saw him stop in his tracks.

"Everything alright?" I asked

"Uuuh, " he avoided my question and grabbed my wrist as he dragged me to a nearby gas station.

"What the heck Hiccup!" I exclaimed as I pulled my wrist away.

"Someone's following us" he said as he looked around, as did I, now feeling guilty that I snapped at him.

It was at this moment I noticed how tired he looked, he had bags under his eyes and his hair was a lot messier than usual, much appearance. Thinking about it, Elsa looked a lot like this too but yet, different.

"We need to leave" he whispered, noticing the suspicious glare from the guy behind the counter.

I nodded and told him to go through the back door, and we did as we booked it the whole way home, too scared to look back.

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