Chapter #5| Their love

Start from the beginning

"Well looks like you finally came to your senses" said Calvin. I looked at my brother feeling guilt build within me. I treated him horribly, blaming him for everything and making sure his life is a living hell, not only I needed to ask forgiveness from Jones I needed to get my brother back as well.

"Is Jones here?" I asked

"He is but not sure if he'll talk to you brother, you need to understand you've hurt him badly. Don't get your hopes up Leon, you need to earn his forgiveness. He chased after you now it's your turn to chase him, he's inside the guest room down the hall to your left" Calvin replied. He moved out of the way allowing to enter his home, looking around I notice a small girl that looks like Calvin.

"She's my daughter" he says. I missed a lot in his life, now he's a father, Calvin picked up his daughter then walk towards me.

"This is Rose, we'll work on our relationship now go see Jones" said Calvin. Rose smiled at me and she hugged her father. Standing in front of the door, Jones is inside and I am feeling nervous, I knocked softly waiting for him to open.

"It's open!" he called. I inhale sharply then entered, feeling my c*ck twitch seeing him naked with a towel wrapped around his waist. I imagine way to f*ck his ass making him scream my name, remembering his moans I wanted to hear it again.

"W-What are you doing here?" he asked. Quickly grabbing his shirt to cover his chest, he looked at me in shock and in confusion.

"I made a mistake that's why I am here, go change so we can talk" I said. Jones slowly nods going inside the bathroom to change. Soon he's sitting the bed waiting for me to talk, I am glad he's willing to hear me out and not running away like I usually do.

"I'm sorry Jones for hurting you, it wasn't my intention and I only thought about myself. I've been hurt badly and I believed I didn't deserve to be loved, I wanted everyone to hate me because I deserved it. I push everyone away including Calvin and you because of someone I thought I loved, I finally learn the truth and now I finally leave it in the past" I said

"You hurt me Leon more than once but you didn't realise it, I love you the moment we first met and it hurt me to hear you say another mans name but it was just a one night stand at the time. I tried fighting for you I really did but I am not fighting anymore, I am still recovering and my broken heart. Saying sorry won't forget the pain in the past and present, it takes time and I am not sure what I want anymore" he replied

"I understand that I really do but I am willing to do whatever it takes for you to forgive me to continue loving me because I finally realise I love you to" I said Jones eyes widen, tears roll down his cheek as he quickly wiped them away.

"Your lying" he cried. It pained me to see him cry, I made him cry. I kneel down holding his small hands, I gently wiped his tears away.

"I am not lying, I love you Jones" I whispered. After that afternoon I made it my goal to earn his forgiveness, I knew it won't happen within a day or a week. Slowly I earned his trust, he confessed about his pregnancy two months later. I wasn't angry he kept it a secret, I knew he wasn't ready and I am glad he waited until he's ready to tell me. I wouldn't expect myself becoming a father but I am glad it's Jones giving birth to our unborn baby. My relationship with Calvin is slowly repairing, I asked forgiveness wanting to have our relationship back.

I made sure my club is okay, with my right hand man dealing with the club I resigned as president making him now in charge of King  Knights MC. I stopped dealing drugs and I also stopped smoking as well. I changed myself to become a better man for Jones, he's slowly noticing my efforts and his trust become stronger day by day. Allowing me to go to his scans to sleeping in the same bed as him, now he's allowing me to hold him while we sleep. His pregnancy slowly growing day by day, I am excited what gender our baby would be but as long as he/she is happy that all matters to me.


Months later ....

"It's okay love, just breathe" I said

"I am breathing you f*cking bastard!" Jones yelled as another contraction builds making him yelled in pain. Doctors quickly rushed in, putting Jones in the wheel ready to help birth our son. I followed behind, they handed me a doctors mask and robe to enter the room. I held him hand waiting patiently to bring our baby boy to this world. I watched carefully seeing them open Jones and soon pulling out Jacob as he screamed to life.

"Congratulations, you have a healthy baby boy" said the nurse. She went to clean Jacob then gently laid him in my arms, his small body clothes and wrapped in his blue cotton blanket Jones knitted for him. Two weeks later we return to the club house where everyone to ready to meet Jacob. I helped Jones sit on the couch while Xander held Jacob.

"He's so cute" Xander squealed.

"Of course he has my looks" I joked

"Now I want another baby" he says

"That can arranged kitten" said Antonio making Xander blush. He handed me Jacob, I kissed his small head then handing him to Jones so he could feed him. I looked at Jones, he's so beautiful and so sexy, I leaned down kissing his lips.

"I love you" I whispered. He smiled.

"I love you more" he replied. Yeah I am one lucky bastard.

T H E    E N D

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