I stared at Aida bewildered at what I was now being told when he continued.

"Also I would be scared too, to completely be honest Zya, I mean she has killed many who just looked at you wrong or told you up like a pathetic joke I mean... Rayne or Markus. But the strange thing is she loves that about you but feared that you would be embarrassed to have a slave as a mate and kill her as well."

~Plagues POV~

Why would he fucking tell him that? I didn't want Zya to think I was pathetically scared. I was strong and fearful I put people into their places where they belong! I stirred slowly from the slight headache that I was now getting. 

I then hear Zya say, "I wouldn't be embarrassed though... I mean look at how she kills people, how strong she is... How gorgeous she looks when she's super pissed. I would kill anyone that would try to harm her even though she can handle it on her own I want to show her that I won't leave her on her own... She is MINE, my mate!"

I finally got some energy so I could slowly open my eyes seeing Zya sitting on the bed right next to me. While my brother sat in a chair not too far from us. Zya smiled down at me seeing that I was finally awake.

I softly say finally being defeated, "I suppose that people can know about us but do not tell my so-called parents that I'm their goddamn child. I still want to assassinate people who think they can cross you..."

Zya placed his fingers on my lips making me stop talking and smiled lightly. Why was he acting so... loving? I liked it but it was so completely opposite from what I was used to. He then said

"I will tell the pack of the great news of me finding my mate... I'll introduce you when you are well, no sooner than that got it Plague?"

I growled out but shook my head in agreement. Zya stood with a smile spread on his face as he said

"I will be back, Plague... I'll announce it to them now."

The excitement in Zya's voice made me smile, I can't believe how accepting he was of this. Zya and Aida exited the room as I laid back down smiling to myself. Maybe it was a good thing I had told Zya he was my mate or well he found out about it. I got comfortable in the bed as I smothered my face on the pillow smelling, Zya's scent everywhere, it was so intoxicating. I started to slowly fall asleep as I heard the door open making me turn over expecting to see my mate but as I looked up smiling. My smile quickly fades as a completely different person walked in glaring at me hatefully. I sat up as Andy stood still in the same spot and glared at me with so much hate. His red eyes watched me carefully as his blond hair swooped down in his face. I guess you could say Andy was an attractive guy, yet he had a very short fuse of a temper. Andy then hissed out

"Where is Amaya?"

Obviously, this idiot didn't get the memo of her death. I smiled lightly as I sat up getting comfortable in the bed and said

"Where she belongs... In hell."

Andy's eyes widen as I see the pain and hate swirl in his eyes as he hissed out loudly

"Who killed her!"

I chuckled lowly as I leaned forward and replied with so much amusement on my tongue

"Well the only person that kills around here is me, so I guess I did, she touched my mate, and she taunted me calling him a man whore when really she was the whore and she stabbed me plus I got orders from Zya."

In a flash, Andy had me in a grip around my neck as I gasped at the sudden shock of actually choking. No one has ever been able to do that to me before. I kneed him in his family jewels making him cry out in pain letting go of my neck. I got my balance back as I could feel the mark start to bruise, I then kicked Andy in the face making him fly backward. I tried to get up but I became dizzy quickly... I had lost a lot amount of blood from my stab wound making me extremely vulnerable at the moment. 

Andy took this as an advantage and threw me across the room making my body slam into the wall. My brain was completely shut off, I couldn't think, and I couldn't move because of the pain... I was weak... Fuck how could I let this happen! I had to fight but it was hard to when the guy kept hurting me more and more... I needed to give up my pride and ask for help. I needed my mate's protection at this stupid time of my life when I can not defend myself. I then screamed out Zya's name loudly before Andy kicked me in the stomach making me lose my breath. I gasped loudly choking a bit on my blood as Andy then said

"Why call Zya he's not going to help his worthless pathetic slave he probably doesn't even care about you. Why not call your mate's name instead, is he that pathetic? "

I laughed to myself as blood dripped down my chin from my mouth I got onto my knees in front of Andy glaring at him harshly and hissed out

"It's because... Zya is my mate..."

Right as I spoke Zya slammed his door open making the door knob slam straight into the wall. Andy looked up shocked as Zya looks down at me seeing me badly beaten and blood coming from my mouth as I tried to breathe still. I knew I would heal soon because of my werewolf abilities but the loss of so much blood and losing more would take a lot more time than I would like it to. Andy glared but it quickly vanished as Zya gripped Andy's neck. Zya was extremely pissed as I saw his electric grey eyes turn into his red eyes meaning he had let his wolf conquer his body, more like a small part, of his body. No one has seen Zya get this anger in a lifetime. Zya snarled out hateful

"How dare you attack my mate! Especially when she is in this critical condition already!"

Zya's bones started to pop meaning he was shifting into his gorgeous pure black mass wolf form. Even in wolf form, he had that scar across his eye but it gave him character as I found it attractive somehow.

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