He Remembers

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He remembers the day you arrived in the box.

He remembers how surprised everyone was that you were a girl.

He remembers how you only trusted him.

He remembers giving you the Tour.

He remembers how much you wanted to become a Runner.

With him.

He remembers yelling at you about how dangerous it was.

He remembers when he found you in the forest.


He remembers when he comforted you.

When he apologized.

When he kissed you.

He remembers sitting under the stars with you every night after.

He remembers letting you become a Runner.

The expression on your face when he told you.

Pure happiness.

He remembers your determination to find a way out of the Maze.

He remembers teaching you about the Maze.

He remembers running with you on your first run.

He remembers the relief when he would see you in the Glade after every run.

He remembers when his world ended on that fateful day.

He remembers seeing you turning the last corner in the Maze.

He remembers seeing the Griever.

Heading straight for you.

He remembers running faster than he had ever run before.

He remembers yelling at you to run faster.

He remembers you running as fast as could.

He remembers how close you were to the Glade.

But it wasn't enough.

He remembers your scream when it hit you.

When you were flung into the wall.

When the Greiver left as if it never happened.

He remembers falling next to you.

The tears running down his face.

He remembers holding you in his arms.

He remembers you saying,"I love you."

Before taking your last breath.

He remembers saying,"I love you."

He remembers brushing a strand a hair out of your face.

And kissing you.

One last time.

He remembers crying.

And screaming.

And begging for you to come back.

He remembers crying himself to sleep each night.

He remembers hardly ever smiling.

How could he?

You were the reason he was happy.

You were his sunshine.

You were his everything.

He remembers his friends trying to make him feel better.

But he didn't want his friends.

He didn't need his friends.

He needed you.

You were part of him.

With you gone it felt like part of him was gone.

He remembers running into the Maze.

He remembers why.

He was going to see you again.

He remembers climbing halfway to the top of one of the walls.

He remembers whispering,"I'm going to see you soon."

He remembers the silent tears travelling down his face.

He remembers jumping.

He remembers smiling.

I told you this chapter would be sad. Although it is sadder than I originally thought it would be. Probably because I added a lot more than I originally planned. It's a Newt Imagine if you hadn't already figured that out.

Comment what you think about it.

I'm also thinking of making a Newt x reader fanfiction slightly based off this. Should I?

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