Stiles opened the door and sat down on the black leather, which was very comfortable for his bum, and put his bag pack on his lap. " lets go driver." He said giving Derek a thumbs up. He felt the growl before he heard it coming from Derek's mouth.

"Careful, Stiles. Or i might just rip out your throat" Derek replied licking his now elongated fangs. "With my teeth."

Even though Derek wore his black sun glasses, Stiles was sure that he saw a bit of red behind them. But he liked pushing Derek's buttons. It felt natural,someway.

" Derek likes to get all kinky,now doesn't he?" Stiles licked his lips nervously and risked winking at Derek. The car was chuckling quietly behind them, but Stiles didn't notice. All he cared about was how long it was going to take Derek to bang his head against the window.

Derek on the other hand just scoffed loudly and started the car again. He pulled out of the driveway and they were on the road.

Stiles couldn't help but think that this trip was going to suck, before he leaned against the cold window and begged to god, for sleep to find him.

And when it did, he was glad.

He felt a nudge. Then another. And then a full body shake. At first he thought that it was a massive earthquake and he should take cover. The thought of his dad finding shelter crossed his mind once before he opened his eyes and looked straight into Derek's pitch black ones. For a full second, Stiles felt 2 things. The first was that he was glad that Derek had taken off his sunglasses. And the second was Stiles couldn't help but feel, that those eyes were beautiful.

And then he blinked, and everything came back to him. He was going to ponder over what he had just thought when Derek cut in.

" the pack's left to get some food." He said gently for once. " you should wake up."

Stiles blinked furiously and sat up straight yawning a little.

"Eewww... Derek, i may be coming with you guys on this trip, but i will not eat a raw deer, thank you." He made a face when he realised that the PACK had gone to get the food. It might not be appetising to him. "Besides, i have to look after my sexy figure,now dont i?" He added cooing and running a hand up his torso.

Derek looked away almost immediately from Stiles, and growled.

"Human food, dumbass." Derek growled.

"Well great. I want cheetos, nachos, chocolates, popcorn, ice cream... Although it might melt before i finish eating the rest. ice cream. Scratch that, wolfie."

Derek growled again at the name and Stiles felt victorious. Plus all this werewolf teasing was really taxing stuff. He needed to load up on his junk. Its his fuel.

"Tough shit." Derek said. "You're eating what they get you."

"But -"

"Stiles its either that, or raw deer.your choice"

"Fine." He huffed and crossed his arms.

Stiles started shaking his leg after a few moments of silence. It was fine for a while, but then Derek started to get annoyed at the sound of Stiles jeans shuffling against the dashboard. Stiles didn't know what hit him, when Derek suddenly put his hand on Stiles' thigh. Warm heat surged through Stiles chest,suddenly and he felt puzzled. His leg stopped moving, that was for sure. Bu then why hadn't Derek lifted his hand off him? And why didn't Stiles want to complain?

He finally looked out the window for a second to clear his head, before he turned to Derek.

"Derek. Babe. Honey-pie" Derek froze looking at Stiles with the most disbelieving expression he could muster up. " i think you need to buy me a nice dinner before you play the 'w crawling up my dick' card."

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