Naruto hasn't been himself. He's usually so strong, but now.. it's a rare if he even smiles genuinely. Sure, he tries to act cheerful, but if you look carefully, you can see how broken he is--not that I blame him. He just found out that he was dying.

Sorry, I just felt that you guys should know. You have a bridge named after the knucklehead after all.

I hope you all are doing well,

Haruno Sakura


Naruto glanced out the window, boredom eating at his conscience. Gaara had returned to Suna a few days ago, and other than Satou giving him his medicine and glaring daggers at him from the corner of his eye, things have been quite silent.

Sakura has refrained from visiting, save for two to three times a week, only discussing baby plans for her and her precious 'Sasuke-kun'. Kakashi-sensei hasn't visited since the blond was diagnosed, and no matter how much he asks, everyone refuses to tell them anything about the scarecrow. Sasuke is... well, Sasuke: an emotional dipshit, with a stick up his ass, who couldn't "bother to visit the dobe". The only visits he truly enjoys are Konohamarus' and Gaaras'--though both make him really loath his... predicament. Naruto hasn't seen Hinata since his 'confession', and he'd like to keep it that way.

The only company he has is the bright mid-afternoon sky, a cloudless sky (Shikamaru must hate it), and the view of a park, where children enjoy the day without a worry in the world. Parents could be seen on the sidelines, boasting about their children, and their children could be seen chasing a ball around the field.

Naruto shivered slightly from the open window, while smiling fondly at their joy and carefree attitude.

A tall women with long dark hair and red eyes, entered the park, her small child tightly holding her hand. The child pulled her mother along, a look of pure excitement and anticipation clouding his features. The mother smiled down at her son, her expression full of love, yet hidden sadness.

She released the boys hand with brief hesitation, before absently twisting her wedding band. The boy tripped, before quickly righting himself and climbing the latter to the slides, screaming with excitement on the way down the short slide, before hurriedly climbing again.

Naruto smirked at the annoyed look on Kurenai's face as a fellow mother approached and tried to converse with her. She smiled convincingly and responded.

As Naruto looked around the park, he noticed the bright orange ball soar through his open window, settling in his lap. The taller boy of the group shouted something at the sheepish boy, a guilty look clouding his young face.

Naruto looked down at the ball, gently picking it up and tossed it out the window, hitting the taller boy it the side of his head. He blinked in surprise, before catching Naruto's gaze and grinning. Naruto waved in recognition, and scratched at his cheek in surprise. Even after the villagers showed him more respect, he was still shocked when they gave him smiles and gratitude, rather than disgust and pity.

The children resumed their game, determination shining brightly on their faces.


Later that afternoon, the children waved as they approached their parents, chatting in excitement and dragging their feet from their fatigue. The taller boy from before walked away from the group, waving lazily and approached Naruto's open window. He leaned against it heavily, an easy smile adorning his face.

"Thanks for earlier, mister.". He tilted his head to the side, his dark red hair catching the light. "My name's Ryuuk, but you can call me 'Ryu'. What're you called?"

Naruto looked down at his hands, slightly embarrased. "Naruto, 'ttebayo." Ryu laughed.

"Fishcakes, huh? Your name's weird, Naruto." A tick-mark bulged on the blonds head.

"My name's not weird, dattebayo!" The boy rolled his eyes, grinning at Naruto's displeasure.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, fishcakes." Ryu backed away from the window just as Naruto hurled his book on Medical Ninjutsu at his head, and waved. "See ya later, fishcakes. He ran just as the next book on chakra control left Naruto's hand.

"Stupid brat..." He grumbled, but truly, he felt a little... Happy? It had been a while since people didn't look at him in pity.


XxXWeAsHumanXxX: Did ya enjoy the chapter? Yes? No? It's so bad you want to burn me...? *hides behind Gai*

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