Chapter 7

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XxXWeAsHumanXxX: I do NOT own Naruto! Believe it!

This chappy is dedicated to:

Thanks verrrry much for reading/voting!


Sasuke's POV:

        All around me, was a silent blackness. A indistinguishable voice echoed around me suddenly. I strained myself to focus on that voice, and slowly, I was able to make out the words.

        "Sasuke, wake up!" I forced my eyes open, but quickly closed them. The light was burning brightly. Eventually, I managed to adjust to the lights, and opened my eyes.

        Bright blue eyes met mine with burning intensity. I jolted back suddenly in surprise.

        In the background, the walls were a painful shade of bright white, and the floor was tiled. Naruto was leaning on his hospital bed with tubes inserted into his inner elbow. His skin was a pale shade, and sweat decorated his brow.

        'Naruto.' I attempted to speak, but my voice was inaudible. His head cocked sideways in confusion.

        "Teme?" His face contorted into a painful grimace, and he clutched his white tee. Naruro coughed and bright crimson sprayed onto my face.

        I stood up and attempted to shout to the nurses, but I still couldn't speak. Glancing back at Naruto, I saw him twisting on the bed.

        "Sa-suke..." I rushed to his bedside and gripped his shoulder, shaking it slightly. My lips moved in unspoken words, and the blond boy's lips were slowly turning blue.

        Naruto suddenly shoved me backwards, and I felt myself slipping through the floor.

        I snapped my eyes open once more, and I felt rain bouncing off of me in a continuous rhythm.

        To my right, I saw Sakura dressed in a tight black dress. Her shoulders were shaking rapidly from her heavy sobs.

        I turned forward and saw a casket. On top of the casket, there was a photo of a blond haired ninja with 'Naruto Uzumaki' carved intricately into the silver plaque.

        In front of me, I saw my elder brother, father, and mother. I reached my hand forward and tried to speak again to no avail. My hand had a youthful look to them.

        Turning to my right, Sakura was still sobbing, but she had on a black frilly dress and a red ribbon adorning her hair. She looked to be around nine years old.

        Itachi knelt in front of me.

        "Silly brother." He poked my forehead and my surroundings changed once again.

        Stumbling backwards, I fell onto the wet gravel. I brought my hands up and noticed the blood that coated my palm.

        Itachi was in front of me, with a slightly younger appearance as well. He was gripping a bloodied sword, and my parents lay slaughtered besides him.

        He turned to my and gave me a level gaze.

        My teeth gritted, and I tried to scream that I knew the truth. That the elders pushed him into this, but I couldn't speak yet again.

        "Little brother." No... Tears pulled down my cheeks silently. "You're too weak. You lack hatred." He paced toward me and aimed his katana at my throat.

        "Build your hatred, and one day.... Fight me." His figure burst into hundreds of crows. As they flew past me, they nipped lightly at my skin leaving gashes that leaked more blood and mingled with the crimson that soaked the concrete.

        One of the crows knocked me back, and I fell into the pool of blood.


        My eyes snapped open, and I clutched the fabric of my tee while breathing heavily.

        "It was just a dream...." I murmured quietly.

        Sakura shuffled slightly in her sleep besides me and mumbled a few incoherent streams of words.

        I leaned back into the mattress and shut my eyelids tightly.

        "It was just a dream...."


XxXWeAsHumanXxX: Short chappy, short chappy.... Whatever.

So I rewatched white chicks.. Fucking hilarious.

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