Chapter 1

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XxXWeAsHumanXxX: Guten Tag! I don't own Naruto. Thanks for reading! :33


Cockkashit--I mean Kakashi's POV:

        In my apartment, my 'Make out Paradise' book sat untouched on my bed stand. I couldn't read right now. Hell, I could barely think right now. This has to be some cruel joke that Naruto pulled. I already lost Rin and Obito, and I'm going to loose Naruto too. Naruto, who reminds me so much of Obito.

        There was a knock on the door.

        "Come in." The door opened and Guy walked in on crutches. His smile was wide, a little too wide, like it was forced. He made his way toward me, avoiding all the trash on the floor and other hazardous obstacles. I sighed and put my head in my hands. "What is it Guy?"

        "Can't I check on my number one rival?" I eyed him suspiciously and he fidgeted under my stare. His smiling face turned solemn. "How's Naruto?" My stomach dropped and I turned away from him.

        "He has a terminal illness." I heard one of his crutches drop and I twisted my neck to face him.

        Guy was collapsed in one of my chairs. His face was pale and his bushy brows were furrowed.

        "Your joking..." I shook my head. he put his head in his hands. "He's so young... Do you know how he contracted it?"

        "No, I was planning to see Tsunade-sama tomorrow." Neither of us spoke for a while. The silence was painfully quiet.

        "I'll be going..." I didn't respond. Guy hobbled out the door and softly shut it behind him.


Tsunade's POV:

        There was a knock at the door and Shizune popped her head in.

        "Hatake-San is here to see you." I took a swig of my sake.

        "Let him in." Shizune opened the door wider and let him in before shutting the door on her way out.

        Kakashi had bags under his eyes and his grey hair was ratted. "What is it Kakashi?" My voice was slurred slightly.

        "How... how did Naruto contract it?" I sagged in my hair and rubbed my temples,

        "That's the thing, I don't know... I've never seen anything like it before." He looked angered and he took a small step forward with his fists clenched.

        "How do you not know?! Your suppose to be the best medical nin around!" I stood up angrily and slammed my hands on my desk.

        "Shut the hell up!" I dropped back into my chair. "I've done the best I can do... It pisses me off that I can't figure it out." I placed my head in my hands.

        The door opened.

        "Tsunade-sama. Your presence is requested
in the conference room." I stood up and downed the rest if my sake.

        Kakashi formed hand signs and disappeared from the office as Shizune and I exited.


Naruto's POV:

        The hospital is too quiet. I'm used to all the ruckus from neighboring people in other apartments to lull me to sleep.

        Sakura visits every day when she thinks I'm sleeping and drops off new sunflowers. I flicked one of the yellow petals making it flutter to the ground at an agonizing slow pace.

        Growling, I shoved the vase roughly off the dresser. It clattered to the ground and shards of glass scattered over the tiled floor.

        A nurse with blue hair and green eyes burst into the room with wide eyes.

        "Naruto-san!" She looked at the shattered glass and sighed. "I'm going to call the cleaning crew. don't move a muscle."

        She sped out of the room and returned shortly with a portly man behind her. The man knelt to the ground and swept up he shards of glass as well as the bright petals.

        The nurse sat on the edge of my bed. Her blue hair was wrapped neatly on the top of her head in a tight bun. The janitor left the room and closed the door behind himself.

        "Naruto-san... You remind me a lot of my younger brother." I turned to look at her with a curious gaze. "My brother was two years younger than you when he contracted a terminal illness."

        Her hands clenched and her shoulders shook slightly. "He died a little over three years ago. When he died, I decided to become a doctor so I could help people like him." Her green tear filled eyes met my blue eyes. "But... It seems like I'm still unable to so anything, but watch as patients slowly die..."

        She wiped her eyes and stood. "Sorry, I shouldn't say such things." She shuffled out of the room.


        Sakura came by later with three vibrant sunflowers and an apple in her possession. Her green eyes met my wide blue ones. She placed them on the bed stand at sat on the chair besides me.

        Sakura took a knife and began to slowly peel the apple.

        "Sakura..." I sat up an extended my palm. "Here, I'll do it." She looked up and before giving me the apple and knife. She sighed and tucked a strand of her pink hair behind her ear. I peeled the green skin off the apple for a while before she finally spoke.

        "Naruto..." She fisted her red skirt. "Did Sasuke come by earlier?" I stopped peeling the apple and almost face-palmed.

        "Yeah, he did. Why?" She hesitated and then gave me an awkward smile.

        "I was just curious, that's all." I started peeling the apple again. Sakura suddenly stood up and I sliced my thumb. "Ah! S-sorry Naruto!"

        She placed her hands over my thumb and green chakra healed the cut on my finger. "There. "

        She walked over to the window and pulled it open. The wind brushed over me making me shiver.

        "Sakura-san, visiting hours are over." Sakura turned and bowed to the nurse.

        "Of course. I'll be out in a second." The nurse turned to leave but paused at the door.

        "Naruto-san." I turned to look at her. "I'll be back with your prescription." The nurse left and shut the door soundlessly behind her. Sakura fiddled with the hem of her shirt.

        "I guess I'll see you tomorrow..." I nodded.

        "See you then." The pink haired ninja left without another word, and the open window left me shivering. I shakily stood on my legs and hobbled over to the window.

        My clammy fingers fiddled with the latch to the window and shut it. I rubbed my arms quickly in an attempt to warn them as a brown haired man entered the room.

        "Hello Naruto-san. My names Satou, I'll be dealing with your medication from now on." I shuffled over to me bed and gently sat.

        Satou pulled a needle out of his medical bag and rubbed some disinfectant on my forearm. "This'll only sting for a second. " He inserted the needle and quickly applied a bandage.

        Afterwards, the doctor soundlessly left the room.


XxXWeAsHumanXxX: Thanks for reading. Bye!

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