Haircair products and snakes on 8oats

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Helloooooooo my dears it's me Vriska! 8ack again to fulfill all your curious needs. Now a nice person would apologize for 8eing away for so long and offer up a lame excuse, 8ut I'm not a nice person am I? >:::;) N8PE. Truth 8e told I was 8usy, and 8y 8usy I mean doing a8solutely nothing aside from 8eing pum8led with silly remarks from Ghost Tavgross. Now how a8out we get the the questions?

"Heeeeeeeey Vriska! How DO you get your hair so AMAZEBALLS?!"
- @Reject-chan

Nice use of eights! After a 8rief human Internet search "amaze8alls" means cool or amazing. Okay okay okay now this may come as a shock to you, 8ut here's some top notch advice on how to have hair as gr8 as mine: ........ D8N'T D8 ANYTHING T8 IT!!!! GET IT MESSY, REFUSE TO 8RUSH, LET IT KNOT AND MANGLE, IF IT GETS TOO MUCH TO HANDLE HACK IT OFF WITH YOUR SWORD!!!! ANYONE WHO TELLS YOU TO GET THE CO8WE8S OUT OF YOUR HAIR DESERVES TO DIE!!!!!!!! Thanks for asking a question! ::::)

Next up: "Me again, who all do you ship? I ship EriSol and DaveKat." - switchedClockwork

Hmmmmmmmm why would I put my friends on 8oats? Well I mean unless we were flarping and they were my captives and all 8ut why???? Ohhhh okay I get it know. Shipping is like thinking someone would 8e good for someone in a certain quadrant. Well I mean I'd kinda feel a 8it bad for
Two-Twit if he was Fish-Dick's kismesis, Eridan's awful at quadrants. 8ut whatever man your 'ohteapea' is yours. 8ut Dave and Karkat were always kinda fun to theorize what their relationship was with TZ on the meteor. So I dunno may8e ::::$

@twintides asked "Hay Vriska do you like snakes?"

Well I mean I o8viously have a preference for spiders 8ut they 8oth tie into that creepy crawly kinda feel so yeah. I'd say so. 8ats are pretty cool too. 8asically anything that could possi8ly scare the pants off some nerd is okay in my 8ook.

Thanks for asking everyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2016 ⏰

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