"So, if you weren't talking about dragons, who then?" Zuko asked.

Iroh smiled innocently: "An old friend of mine happens to live in a Fire Nation colony not far from here. Stopping there would only slow us down a few hours and since the colony is north from our current location, going there would in no ways put us on a detour."

"An old friend", Zuko repeated thoughtfully, "Do I know him?"

Iroh laughed: "No. We go back a long time. Since before you were born, actually. I haven't seen her in years, but we correspond from time to time."

Her, Zuko thought numbly. The young man found himself shivering despite the fact that the afternoon sun was beating down on his back relentlessly.

I seriously hope she isn't some old... Gah, I can't even think that thought through.

"In fact" Iroh went on, oblivious to his nephew's discomfort, "I've already taken the liberty of informing her that I'm planning to stop by this evening."

"This evening?" Zuko was startled, "If we intend to get there that fast we have to give the crew our new heading as soon as possible."

"Don't worry about that. I already did", Iroh replied casually.

Zuko's face fell: "When?"

"This morning."

"Right", Zuko tried to wrap his head around what he'd just been told, "So, when you asked me today if I would like to know more about my connection to dragons, you were just asking out of courtesy. In reality you had already made all sorts of arrangements."

Uncle opened his mouth but no words came out.

Zuko went on: "I mean, you must have been planning this meeting for some time now if you had time towrite to her. I mean, it's good that the crew knows where we are going and that your friend knows to be expecting a visit, but when were you planning to let mein on this? Before or after we docked in?"

"Uh, well... You were pretty out of it for almost two days", Uncle finally managed.

Zuko rolled his eyes, but more out of amusement than irritation. After all, Uncle had obviously meant well.

Also, the Prince was rather curious to learn more of what was going on, so he was surprisingly okay with the fact that Iroh had made plans behind his back.

"Fine", Zuko said and smiled to let his uncle know he wasn't angry with him, "When and where are we going to meet this... friend of yours?"

"Actually" Uncle rubbed the back of his head and smiled apologetically, "I was going to go meet heralone. Privately."

Zuko's eyes widened as he tried hard not to imagine what that meant.

"Oh no, I didn't mean it like that", Iroh hurriedly added as he saw his nephew's usually pale cheeks turn bright red, "We are old friends, but nothing more. The reason why I'm meeting her alone is that I know her through a club of sorts, and it is a members-only kind of meeting."

Zuko was relieved to hear that Uncle was just a member in a secret club. Truly relieved.

I wonder what kind of club it is? Well, if Uncle thought it important for me to know, he would've told me. He is entitled to his secrets.

"The meeting shouldn't take too long", Uncle went on with a wide smile on his face, "You won't even have time to miss me, I'm sure."

There was something playful about the look on Iroh's face, which immediately made Zuko cautious: "...Okay. Why?"

Dragon At Heartजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें