Chapter 16

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16. Blame Game

Zuko, where are you?

Iroh was standing at the rail of the ship. It was still anchored at the same harbor where he and Zuko had left it when they'd gone out 'on a scouting trip for the Avatar'. As much as Iroh would rather have been out somewhere looking for his nephew, he knew that this was where Zuko would come looking for him.

Although there was little left to be done as far as preparations for their next journey were concerned, most of the crew was busy doing something, whether it be going through inventory or polishing the ship. Oddly enough, the discipline appeared to be no less strict in his nephew's absence. Iroh could understand why.

Even if Zuko hadn't exactly made an effort to befriend his crew, after having spent three years on the same ship, they had grown into a rather tight team. Now the men worried, and not just for the lecture they would get if Prince Zuko came back and found his ship in less than adequate condition.

Doing anything was better than sitting around wondering when or if Prince Zuko would come back at all.

Iroh was sure that if Zuko had left by his own free will, he would eventually return. When he's ready sorting out whatever it is that he needs to sort out.

To be honest, Iroh genuinely wished Zuko wasn't trying come to grips with all his problems at once. He had no doubt that, in the end, his nephew would find his way and grow into the handsome prince he was always meant to be. He just wasn't there yet.

Zuko still carries heavy burdens in his heart. If he is trying to figure out everything at once, this could be a long wait.

The truly nagging thing was that Iroh couldn't be absolutely sure Zuko had left voluntarily. If that was the case...

The morning had been misty, but the last of the moist hanging over the sea had cleared away hours ago. Now it was in every aspect a beautiful day. Perfect for firebending practice.

Iroh sighed quietly.

Please come home soon.

"Sir", Lieutenant Jee bowed before moving on to the actual point, "There's someone here to see you."

Although the lieutenant had a perfectly admirable poker face adequate to the needs of a military officer, Iroh had tuned reading people into a form of art. Thus Jee's body language and tone of voice told him more than just the man's words.

It's no one I'd want to see, but someone powerful enough that saying 'no' is off the table. Certainly not Zuko finally returning from his adventure.

Iroh nodded. He had a strong feeling he knew exactly who had finally decided to honor them with a personal visit.

Iroh had enough time to wipe any traces of disappointment from his face before Commander Zhao came into his view. The old man wasn't surprised to see that the commander hadn't waited for an invitation to come on board.

On the contrary. He walks in here like he owns the place.

In a matter of fact, Zhao didn't in any ways own the ship. The crew was a different topic, one which Iroh suspected Zhao was aware of but one that neither was likely to bring up in this conversation.

"General Iroh", Zhao greeted. Apparently the man had chosen to ignore Uncle's earlier request to be considered a retired general. Probably not so much out of respect but rather because calling the Fire Lord's brother just Iroh would've sounded oddly... friendly.

"Commander Zhao", Iroh greeted as coldly as he could, "What do I owe the pleasure?"

Zhao looked ever-so-casually around himself before answering: "As much as I enjoy your company, I didn't come here for tea. I'm here to see your nephew."

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