Chapter 17

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17. Almost Human

"What do you mean the engine is not working?"

Iroh was a little taken aback by the next words that came out of his nephew's mouth. A boy that age really should not have known that many colorful expressions. As his primary educator, Iroh felt a twinge of guilt for this.

The crew member tasked with the ungrateful job of telling the prince why they weren't moving looked more or less terrified even though Zuko's curses weren't directed at him. Much more terrified than a soldier being lectured by an angry superior usually did.

Iroh had noticed similar behavior from crew members earlier as well, but he had so far dismissed it as he himself being overly attentive and cautious since he knew the circumstances better. Still, especially of late, there really was no denying that the crew had begun acting slightly differently in his nephew's presence. This Iroh found more worrisome than foul language from a teenager.

The others don't even know what my nephew is, but they can instinctively sense he's to be feared and respected. That he isn't entirely human.

Iroh had lately re-read everything he knew about dragons and most stories described that dragons caused a great awe in people. Having been face to face with two of the last dragons in the world, Iroh knew that to be true. However, Zuko didn't appear to be fully aware of the effect he was having on people around him.

I'll have to have a word about this with him as soon as... as soon as I find the right words.

"I'm sure we're doing everything we can to get us moving again in no time", Iroh put in and excused the crew member with a nod. The man looked nothing short of relieved.

Zuko turned to Iroh: "But didn't you not two moments ago tell me that you think there's a big storm coming? What happened to heading for safe harbor as soon as possible?"

Iroh had indeed said that and he did indeed believe so. However, Zuko worrying over the storm now wouldn't get the ship fixed any faster. And it might intimidate the crew.

"Oh well, I could be wrong about that. And I don't think the engine falling apart is anything to get too upset over. This is an old ship. It's bound to have its quirks", Iroh tried to reassure his nephew. Zuko had a serious look on his face, making him look years older than he actually was.

Finally Zuko stopped pinching the bridge of his nose, sighed and replied: "Fine. But as soon as the engine is operational again, we'll head for shore. I'm going to go check on how the repairs are coming along."

And like that, Zuko walked away and disappeared into the ships hull.


Three days earlier

"I'm sorry", Zuko whispered in Iroh's ear.

"There there", was all Iroh managed back as a reply. It was hard to find better words when he wasn't entirely sure what Zuko was apologizing for.

For leaving without a word? Zuko's disappearance had caused Iroh much worry, but of course he'd forgive his nephew. Zuko's path was not an easy one, and Iroh knew he had to be patient with the boy. Some wounds took long to heal, and opening them up the way they'd been torn open in the reunion with Ursa must have been exceptionally trying.

For being... a dragon? Uncle wasn't sure how to feel about that unexpected revelation, but he was certain it wasn't his place to condemn or absolve anyone.

All in all, it was incredibly unusual for Zuko to apologize. The young man had his pride, and Uncle wasn't the one to insist to hear it out loud that Zuko was sorry. He knew the boy well enough to know that he often was, and that was enough. But now Zuko had to be really upset to open up like this.

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