4. Pizza for breakfast

Start from the beginning

Walking into the kitchen, Cameron had a phone brought up to his ear. He was talking on the phone as he searched for money inside of his wallet.

"Who are you talking to?" I ask, walking up behind him. He turned around and pressed his finger against my lips, gesturing me to be quiet.

Whoever he was talking to, they kept murmuring back and forth, until finally he hung up.

"Who was that?" I ask again, jumping up, and plopping myself on the countertop.

"Jake from state farm". Cameron sarcastically replies, pulling out a twenty dollar bill and clamping it into his hands. I lowered my head, eyeing him. I hated when people talked back to me in a sarcastic matter.

"I'm just kidding. It was the pizza man". He corrects.

I narrow my eyebrows. "Pizza man?"

"Yeah. The pizza man. I ordered pizza".

"Pizza for breakfast?" I laughed.

Cameron hurries into the living room, and patiently awaits by the front door. "Is pizza for breakfast a bad thing?" He chuckles, as he pulls back the curtains of the front window; peeking through.

I shake my head. "No. Not at all".

"Well stop complaining".


"Thanks". Cameron smiles, grabbing the pizza box from the delivery man and exchanging it with money. He brings the pizza into the house and shuts the door behind him. The aroma of fresh bread, and melted cheese fulfils my nostrils, bringing happiness to me.

Cameron sets the box on the coffee table. He sits on the couch, opens up the box and grabs a slice of steaming hot pepperoni pizza.

I walked over towards him, and sat next to him. Leaning in, I grabbed a slice, before Cameron whacks my hands away. "Who says I was sharing?" He asks jokingly, with a mouthful of half-chewed food in his mouth.

I frown, which only makes him smile more. I continued to grab it, stuffing it into my mouth, before he could reclaim it his again.

"Too bad". I laugh.

As we sat in silence, eating our food, flashbacks of last night popped into my mind. Due to my lack of memory, I managed to remember how Cameron behaved last night. How his mood was a constant on and off switch, and how he got mad every time I hung around Shea. My mind grew curious. Curious as to why he acted like that. He acted like a hissy five year old boy.

Glancing at Cameron, the question in my mind slipped out of my mouth before I could stop it. "So about last night". I began to say.

Just by saying the beginning of my sentence, he already seemed to look uncomfortable. He slumped back into the seat, filling his mouth with food, so he wouldn't have to answer.

"You said we can talk about it tomorrow".

"I don't remember anything". Cameron says, swallowing what was in his mouth and keeping his eyes off of me.


"I said its nothing!" He interrupts.

I lean back, feeling annoyed by his defiance. Why won't he just answer me?

Enduring the awkward silence, there was a knock amongst the door, catching both mine and Cameron's attention.

Cameron stands up, shoving the remaining piece of pizza into his mouth. Brushing his greasy hands against his pants, he grasped the door handle and swung it open.

And in walked Shea.


Nothing bad is going to happen. In fact, the moment you've all been waiting for is going to happen. :))

I suck at updating guys, I'm sorry. I literally went to the bookstore and I got all of the Maze Runner books, and now I'm obsessed with them. So I've been quite busy, because I'm already on the second book😂



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