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Sometimes it hurts to feel

The pain searing hot in our blood

Sometimes it hurts to know it's real

The stress and anger and sadness do flood

Sometimes it's easier to pretend dreams are real

Reality meets fantasy in your mind

Sometimes it's better to go numb, and not feel

Happiness and laughter lost, never to find

Sometimes your soul is shattered into more than one part

They splinter and break in to thousands of beautiful pieces

Sometimes the shattered pieces pierce your heart

Maybe this is better to feel until the other pain ceases

Sometimes you're lost and you don't want to be found

Lost the light to give in to the dark

Sometimes you'd fly but your wings are pinned to the ground

Their anchoring words have made a mark

Sometimes the night is more beautiful than sun

The light is bothersome as it burns your eyes

Sometimes you feel you're completely done

Done with all of these lies

Sometimes you are surrounded by liars

Each of their words burn and surround you

Sometimes their hot words break out in to fires

You can't put it out, you don't know what to do

Sometimes you read in hopes you will feel better

You think others can help with the stories they tell

Sometimes you seek comfort within every letter

But sometimes the truth is you can't escape your personal living Hell

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