nine ; worse

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princess hunt: ist gotren worsr

prince m.: what has?

princess hunt: ied

princess hunt: and i cant stnp crying

prince m.: what happened to make it worse

princess hunt: everykng, this total douche at the clinic yelled at me for nlthing and now its akk call gone to hell

princess hunt: i was banned from the clinic for two months because i ounched him a few times cause he was a jackass and what did he get? nothing cause he is a white old male that total deserves the world over poc.

princess hunt: and i thought it was better, you know? i thought i could control it because i was thinking of you and talking to you just made me feel better and

princess hunt: i went to the doctors to find that i have to double up my medicine, as if it isnt bad enough, and now my rage has gone 'terribly' cause of one small incident

princess hunt: now i just ferl like a low life thya has anger issues and lovcs tv shows and the characgers and ugh j just feel kike im not normal

prince m.: you're right, you aren't normal. you are different and being different is good. having opinions on things and fighting back is good. having physical and mental illness is good. you are great, hunter and your heart is as pure as any other human that isn't normal cause normal isnt good. doing the same thing everyday and nothing new isnt good. change is good and being you is good.

prince m.: sometimes you dont need to fit in to be happy and thats what matters most.

prince m.: happiness

princess hunt: you're right

prince m.: where are you?

princess hunt: hospital waiting room

prince m.: what hospital? im gonna send you something

princess hunt: wjat

princess hunt: cedars-sinai

prince m.: expect to have something in the next like day or so

princess hunt: you dont have to send me anything. talkking is enougj

prince m.: no its not. i care about you a lot and i cant just leave ya hanging princess

princess hunt: you are too good to me

prince m.: its just love, sweetheart. i might even visit you

princess hunt: no, im in an ugly gown and I don't wanna meet my fav actor like this

prince m.: to bad!

princess hunt: pls if you come anytume this week ill be highh off medicine and ill say some stufff that i dont mean

prince m.: hunter, please

princess hunt: i cant meet you like you, it has to be better than a hospital visit, matt. i want out meet to be special and not under these circumstances

prince m.: them think of it as a mini meet up. we dont have to do anything other than talk and play go fish, alright

princess hunt: u make me sound old, im not

prince m.: i know princess. ill see you tomorrow maybe, okay?

princess hunt: okay :-( but ill be high and wont remember okay

prince m.: i know princess

princess hunt: you say that a lot

prince m.: i know princess


yall, when i say she will be high on drugs i mean it. like that wisdom teeth laughing gas lmao. and this meeting, she won't even remember but only small parts of it!

have a nice day!

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