Chapter 8 - Mistletoe

Start from the beginning

"Really, I thought we were over that?  Where's the booze?"

"Not the boss any more, Nate, live a little! Oh, never mind, I forgot. You don't have much of a life to live, do you?"

Nathan's mouth tightened. "You're inebriating your colleagues without their consent, just like you do every year. Not everyone here knows your tricks and you know quite a few people here have their problems."

Rick laughed. "You'd know..."

Sydney waved. "Hi, Rick!" She was oblivious to their last exchange.

Rick laughed. "Well, she looks like she's having a good time, doesn't she?" He smiled, the act slimy to Nathan, and slid an arm around Sydney's waist. "You're having a good time, aren't you little Miss English Teacher?"

"I am," Sydney answered, the ever present giggle still there.

"Could you, you know, not touch her like that? She's not exactly..."

"She's a grown woman, Nate, back off."

"He doesn't like mistletoe," Sydney said matter-of-factly.

"No? Well, that's a shame." His arm noticeably tightened around her. "I love it."

"You know what, I changed my mind," Nathan interjected. He took Sydney's hand again, trying to gently pull her away. "I'd like to see it again."

"Ooh!" Sydney slipped out of Rick's hold and went with Nathan, though they didn't go toward the mistletoe, a fact she noticed right away. "Hey!"

"This is for your own good, Syd." He led her through the main doors to the parking lot where snow was falling at a quick pace.

"Nathan, what are you doing?" Sydney whined.

"Saving you from possible humiliation."

The cold began to clear Sydney's head, but not enough. "Why wouldn't you kiss me?"

Nathan's eyes were thoughtful and kind. "Because when you wake up tomorrow morning, I don't want you to have any regrets." Sydney was silent. "Also, there's one vital piece of information that I haven't made you privy to, Syd." He walked her to his car and helped her get in. Once he was in the driver's seat, he looked over at her and saw that her eyes were most definitely sobering.

"Am I going to be privy now?"

Nathan was hesitant. "At the risk of my completely changing your opinion of me...yes." He started the car, but didn't put his hands on the steering wheel or gearshift. He took a deep breath and looked over at Sydney. "I'm an alcoholic," he confessed, shame in his voice. "Not actively, but once one, always one."

Sydney cocked her head to the side. "Oh." She didn't say anything for a minute or two and Nathan worried that he was about to lose a friend. "Your 'bad night' when...when you were..." She took a shaky breath. "Fuck, I'm such an asshole."

Nathan shifted in his seat. "Furthest thing from it, Syd. I should have been here, you couldn't have known. Nobody ever tastes it and it gets so warm in the room that it's harder to gauge what you're feeling in there."

Embarrassment made its way to her face. "I'm a lightweight."

He smiled at her. "That night you were talking about, I didn't drink, but Christ I wanted to. It's been harder than I thought, even with help." He took a deep breath. "Thinking about Susan is the only thing that makes me stop when I have the urge." He looked away from her, ashamed.

Sydney reached over and took his hand, the act much different that it had been earlier in the night. "You thought that was going to change my opinion of you?"

"It doesn't? It doesn't make me seem," he cleared his throat, "at the very least, unreliable?"

"Nathan, I've dealt with a lot worse than someone who likes to drink too much, believe me." She ran her thumb over his, comforting him. "Besides, you said it yourself: you're recovering, not active. That just means I won't be asking you out for a drink, which is a good thing since I don't seem to know when I've been drinking." Though she attempted to make light of it, she was angry with herself.

He smiled, relieved. "Let's get you home, hm?"

"Good plan."

They didn't say much on their short ride. Sydney continued to wallow in embarrassment over not realizing what was happening to her at the party, as well as how she acted over that bit of mistletoe. With Nathan's confession added to her own behavior, she was sure he was going to think less of her now. The last thing she wanted was to hurt their friendship.

When they reached her house, Nathan insisted on walking her to the door. The snow was falling at a steadier pace and he didn't want to risk her slipping in her high-heeled boots. They reached the front door and Sydney hugged him, thankful for him on several different levels.

"Get some sleep, all right?" he said, still holding on to her.

"I'm sorry for everything tonight, Nathan."

Nathan brushed Sydney's hair behind her ear, unsure of what caused him to do so. "Don't be, Syd. I've done far worse in my time." When he realized his face was moving towards hers, he stopped himself. Nope, don't do it. Don't even think about it. It's just a weird night.

"I don't want you to think I'm...

"I absolutely don't," he interrupted, understanding her embarrassment.

She smiled at him. "Thank you, Nathan. Good night."

"Night." He waited until she was safely behind the closed door before he turned to leave. "Damn it..."

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