Louis wishes this was a female cat so he could impregnate her and give her a damn baby to keep her busy. "Oh god."

"I am leaving and never coming back!" Harry announces, miserable.

"No," Louis begs and the honesty in his voice scares him a little. "Please don't leave me Harry."

"You don't want me," Harry pouts and his deep, melodious voice trembles a little.

"This is so hot," a college aged girl whimpers a little nearby.

"I am so wet." Her friend giggles a little. "We should totally get that vibrator."

"But it's not on sale!" Her worldly friend chastises.

"I just want to protect you," Louis implores Harry to understand. "Why don't you get it?"

"Why don't you just lock me up?" Harry's tail bristles. He is mad upset. "Get a cage made? No one can get in or out?"

Can this get any hotter? The married couple think together. Their child is mesmerized. It reaches for Harry's tail but fails. It's too small. It has no hand eye coordination.

"Tell you what," Louis grabs a cat paw, "After we get those tattoos, you can do whatever you want, no questions asked."

"Really?" Harry looks sceptical.

"Of course." Louis promises, "I want you to have a fulfilling cat life."

"Okay," Harry sniffles. "I will do whatever I want after the stupid tattoos."

"That's a good kitten," Louis coos. "Who's my good kitten?"

"I am," A bouncy co-ed squeals. Harry hisses at her.


"Hi I am your tattoo artist," The person from modest management looking to perform their body art looks as if her soul has left her body. "I have taken a vow to make sure all techniques are sterile and law abiding."

"Thank you?" Louis answers for both himself and Harry who looks enamoured by all the drawings on the wall.

"How may I help you?" The dull looking woman asks dully.

"Well," Louis takes charge, "I want my Harry here to make more decisions for himself."

"Oh," The woman's eyes widen with surprise. She looks interested all of a sudden. "Okay then. Usually it's the other way around."

"I'm sure it is." Louis says dryly. He's been looking through websites to make sure he can provide good care for his cat and the stuff online is disgusting. Demon owners only seem interested in degrading and hurting their felines/canines/etc. No freedom allowed whatsoever.

"Well," The tattoo artist makes Harry sit down and has him take off his shirt, "His tattoos were created with a special ink."

"Which has my blood in it." Louis nods. That much he knows.

The artist nods. "And to have him be freer and to deepen your bond, you need to have tattoos which has Harry's blood."

"Fine," Louis is fed up. He has to go back to work soon, and Harry's complaining and whining and general sadness is starting to grate on his damn nerves. How long is Louis supposed to control himself around the beautiful cat? He's supposed to be straight damn it.

"Modest management's official statement advices against this." The girl looks amazed at Louis' behaviour and caring attitude. The guy is bristling protectively as she draws Harry's blood who barely notices. It's a demon. He heals instantaneously. "I think you're great." She whispers, as if afraid someone might hear.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2016 ⏰

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