:: High School ::

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Secondary education on Earth wasn't what he expected.

Genesis realized he didn't have the most normal experience as a teenager—understatement of a lifetime—since his world was crazy enough to recruit 14-year-old children into the military.

The classes weren't so bad on Earth, nor was the amount of homework he and his peers would get (it was not as worse as ShinRa paperwork). The only thing that rather sucked was the brats around him. With his grades at flying colors and scholarship in hand, his status was more than enough to have many students feeling jealous of him. He also excelled in physical education, so when he rejected the offer to join the football team or even the offer to get into their cheerleading club, well, he pretty much made most of the 'popular' teens resent him.

Genesis would roll his eyes at the many numerous times they'd try to get his attention, because frankly, he just wasn't interested in joining them. He could have easily joined in along with them, but with his powers still intact and his last life being not so normal, Genesis wasn't quite so sure how his current peers would take it. Besides, there were other clubs outside school he joined like martial arts and arts that were more interesting.

A month later, things got worse.

Outside of school, he had accidentally got caught by one of the jocks when he was changing his contact lens, and because of it, he was labeled a mutant. Only it was a shame when there was a testing program at school he wasn't determined as one, the results came out negative. Those who didn't like him didn't even believe the doctors. So if the school couldn't do anything to him, those people who hadn't liked the results took it into their own hands. It was the beginning where Genesis would have to watch his surroundings more carefully.

The boys and some girls who didn't like him were always prepared, whether they'd be by his locker or outside the school so they could throw him into the dumpster. Of course, Genesis wasn't that stupid. He was a former SOLDIER, heck, long ago they even wanted him to be a Turk (which he rejected). Getting away from them was child's play, and he easily broke into the school at night to get into his locker to get his things if he wasn't able to get them during the day. The auburn haired teen had made it his business from that moment on to bring his books and belongings with him at all times. He simply didn't take chances.

Another month later, that's when his problems spread from inside the school to outside.

Unluckily for Genesis, the kids who hated him had ties to the street gangs outside the school—not that this wasn't expected—and now Genesis had more trouble than he had bargained for. He was still aiming to keep his records on top of the class, but with the trouble of getting to school and back to the foster home as well as vice versa made his high school days a lot tougher.

High school drama was definitely now on Genesis' 'Worst Points of my second Life' list.

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